- 这是一个网上流传的短信应用,很多网站作为一个核心下载,但个人认为,其价值有限.-This is a spread of the Internet messaging applications, many sites as a core download, I personally think that their value is limited.
- WSP is an HTTP to WSP proxy that can be used to forward HTTP requests to WSP, which is used in WAP 1.x. It may be called a reverse WAP gateway, and enables you to test or browse WAP sites with HTTP tools. It also can be used with penetration test too
- skybird写的ASP的WAP网站源程序-skybird write the ASP source of WAP sites
- 本程序是c51的源程序,是从其他网站上下载的,this program is the source decoder, and from other sites on the download
- 学校教务系统android客户端(配合正方系统)。 可以查询等级考试、考试地点、考试成绩、毕业设计、学生信息照片等。- 允许输入拉丁字符的拼音 中文(简体) 英语 希腊语
- 基于百度地图API的android手机定位,定位显示图层,以及搜索地点图层应用-Baidu Maps API of the android based mobile phone positioning, positioning display layer, application layer, and search sites
- 这是本人从国外网站上搜索到的一份MELP源代码,但没经过本人测试,奉献出来,与大家共享,也希望大家将测试的结果反馈一下:liwh@ruyi.com电话:133251646-from foreign web sites to search a MELP source code, but I have never received any test, dedication, and to share with you and hope that you will have the results o
- 手机短信息传情(直接发送到手机) 内含5000条各类短信息 演示:http://www.96966.net.cn 下载:http://www.96966.net.cn/sms.rar 前几年的赚钱利器,程序是2005年问世的。简单易用。 当时还没有什么彩信,硬是靠着短信息发送量赚的网站费用。 对于大流量的网站这个小程序可以起到很大的网站作用。 后台admin/admin.asp 用名admin 密码admin 当年彩秀流行用了彩秀的发送接口。 zyzstx
- tRSS是MIDP的的RSS客户端。用户可以从一些新闻网站和个人数据库和feed阅读标题。-tRSS is a MIDP RSS client. Users can read headlines from a number of news sites and have individual databases and feeds. It is readable by users and can be parsed by an XML parser. Users can reduce the du
- Descr iption Combination of book reader and Web browsers. This program can be used for Web browsing, reading news sites, downloading and reading books and atricles from the Web. It is not implement all HTML browser functionality - it doesn t s
- 用户可以自添加地点,对所添加的地点进行定时自动报警-Since users can add locations of the sites from time to time to add auto-alarm
- 用vbscr ipt+SQLserver编写实现的WAP新闻网站,提供了手机网站的简易模版-Prepared using vbscr ipt+ SQLserver achieved WAP news sites, provides a simple mobile web site templates
- 这个文件是从其他网站上下载下来的不错的3G开发材料,拿来和大家分享。-This file is downloaded from other sites down the 3G development of good materials, brought to share.
- 手机网站的ua 一万多种非常全面 是手机wap网站必备的适配信息-Ua more than 10,000 kinds of mobile phone web site is very comprehensive cell phone wap sites the information necessary for adaptation
- LDPC codes BER simulation under AWGN channel. MacKay-Neal based LDPC matrix. Message encoding uses sparse LU decomposition. There are 4 choices of decoder: hard-decision/bit-flip decoder, probability-domain SPA decoder, log-domain SPA decoder, and si
- Wap小新图片系统是由Wap小新软件工作室开发,本系统是Wap网站的图片程序,后台采用.NET平台软件管 理授权方式是一机一码制,注册一个授权码只能在一台电脑管理网站,可以做多个网站、但是后台只能 在授权的电脑管理,注册一个授权码是500元/年,如果同时注册两个授权码、另一个授权码算半价,也 就是同时注册两个授权码750元/年。 网站运行环境:ASP空间+Sql Server数据库,空间支持必须Aspjpeg 后台功能: 后台演示请联系Wap小新软件工作室客服
- 这是国产手机vre平台的一部分资料是从多个网站手机打包而成,是学习vre的好入门资料,适合初学者使用-This is part of the domestic mobile phone vre platform data from multiple sites from mobile phone package is a good learning vre introductory information for beginners
- 专为手机WAP网站开发的CMS系统,使用此CMS可在网上建立文章资讯、图片、软件、音乐、视频、论坛等类型网站。 3.2版本加强了内容、社区彩版功能,与之前相比,用户可以更加方便的设计彩版网页。新版本不仅在设计方面更加完善,还增加了文章、图片采集功能。 安装步骤: 1)将upload文件夹的所有文件上传到服务器主目录。 2)打开用浏览器打开[您的网站/default.aspx],根据程序安装向导安装程序。 IP所在地说明: IP数据库Data/IPD
- android应用,采集并展示Android手机传感器环境侦测的数据,从国外网站下载的,特地分享.-android application, the content is the environment to detect the code downloaded from foreign sites, specifically to share
- GPRS is a communication technology that allows data acquisition systems to overcome the difficulty of cabling for wide area remote sites. GPRS applications are becoming more and more prevalent due to the ease with which they can be implemente