verilog实例 [43项]
- 嵌入式可编程器件CPLD的典型实例 压缩包,共计43个源码文件。 使用ALTERA的 Muxplus 软件即可编辑仿真 相关软件可在教育网ftp下载[天网查询,有很多站点提供]-Embedded Programmable CPLD in a typical example of compressed, for a total of 43 source document. Altera Muxplus use the software can edit simulation software av
- 国外网站上的一些精典的C程序,欲炼神功,必先从基础开始,希望初学者能够多打好基础,特别是做嵌入式程序,重复也要传!BTW,欣赏站长的一些诗!-foreign web sites of some of the classic C procedures and wishes refining art, we must first start from the basis of the hope that more beginners to lay a good foundation, especia
- linux下的nandflash驱动程序,这是从国外网站上下载来的-nandflash the driver, which is from overseas sites to download
- 从其它网站看到的程序,框架不错,做单片机控制很有参考价值。后缀改为.c即可-from other sites to see the process, the framework is true, do MCU control of great reference value. Suffix changed. C can
- 好不容易才从国外网站上下下来的哦,希望大家多多支持……!-eyebrows from overseas sites from the next, oh, I hope Members can support ...!
- ZigBee msstatePAN程序 有Stack源码 公开MAC层源码 国外网站可更新Stack-msstatePAN procedures ZigBee Stack open-source MAC layer FOSS overseas sites can be updated Stack
- 硬件构成:lpc2219+D13 软件功能:利用arm做主控,采用d13与usb接口做主机,通过主机向u盘中写入文件,当写文件完成后响铃提示-hardware : lpc2219 D13 software functions : the controlling arm, d8 using usb interface with the mainframe done by the mainframe to u sites writes the document, when the documen
- 一个功能很全面的设计网站,可以作为工作室、个人主页、技术网站等,具体情况请看演示。 本版本对页面稍微做了点美化(呵呵,自己认为这样好看点!)并修改了友情连接等一部分栏目的错误,把页面统一了一下。-a very comprehensive functional design of the website can be used as studios, a personal web page, technical sites, and specific circumstances See demon
- 本温度计属于多功能温度计,可以设置上下报警温度,当温度不在设置范围内时,可以报警。于多功能温度计,可以设置上下报警温度,当温度不在设置范围内时,可以报警。数字温度计与传统的温度计相比,具有读数方便,测温范围广,测温准确,其输出温度采用数字显示,主要用于对测温比较准确的场所,或科研实验室使用。可广泛用于食品库、冷库、粮库等需要控制温度的地方。目前,该产品已在温控系统中得到广泛的应用,Belonging to the multi-function thermometer thermometer, y
- 无线收发模块,具备跳号跳频和跳址的nrf905的C51演示程序,SPI读写一体化,Wireless transceiver modules, frequency hopping and jumping with jump number of the C51 sites nrf905 demo program, SPI read and write the integration
- 嵌入式系统下移植好的minihttpd,上面有包括上传代码。在嵌入式网络下可以搭建网站-Embedded systems Transplant good minihttpd, above, includes a upload code. May be set up in the embedded network sites
datalink-selective 数据链路层—选择性重传协议
- 数据链路层的选择性重传协议的编写。在仿真环境下编程实现有噪音信道环境下 两站点之间无差错双工通信。信道模型为8000bps 全双工卫星信道,信道传播时延270毫秒,信道误码率 为10-5,信道提供字节流传输服务,网络层分组长度固定为256字节-The data link layer selective retransmission protocol preparation. In the simulation environment, programming environment,
- 从浅到深的FPGA学习小制作,从国外网站上下载的-To learn small production from shallow to deep FPGA downloaded from foreign sites.
- 国外网站上面找到的sram_controller,可借鉴性很强。可以扩展数据和地址宽度。-Foreign sites found above sram_controller, can draw on strong. Can extend the width of the data and address.
- HD7279(A)是一片具有串行接口的,可同时驱动8位共阴式数码管(或64只独立LED)的智能显示驱动芯片,该芯片同时还可连接多达64键的键盘矩阵。 HD7279内部含有译码器,可直接接受16进制码,HD7279A还同时具有2种译码方式,HD7279(A)还具有多种控制指令,如消隐、闪烁、左移、右移、段寻址等。 -HD7279 (A) is with a serial interface and can also drive a total of 8 vaginal digital tu
- 使用单片机实现红外通信的功能--转载自其他网站-The use of infrared communications MCU features- reprinted from other sites
- 其代码实现了 52单片机的液晶显示 在两幅画面 之间跳动 通过按键-Code implementation of its 52 single-chip liquid crystal display screen at two sites through the buttons between the Beat
- 制作AVR下在线,原理图可以在其他网站找到,非常普遍。在此不赘述。-Under the production-line AVR, schematics can be found at other sites, very common. Do not want to go at this.
- 本文作者采用AT89C2051单片机和温度传感器DS18B20从硬件和软件两方面介绍了一款简易数字温度计的设计过程,  并对硬件原理图和程序流程图作了简洁的描述。数字温度计与传统的温度计相比,具有读数方便,测温范围广,测温准确,其输出温度采用数字显示,主要用于对测温比较准确的场所。-The author of this article using AT89C2051 MCU and temperature sensor DS18B20 from both hardware and sof
- This mambot adds to the external links in a content the text “ target="_blank"” . Thus, all the links pointing to external sites will be opened in a new window.