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- 五子棋 对于终局,由于终局存在三种状态,胜利、失败、平局。判断胜利由3来判断,判断平局的法则是,计数器达到盘目的最大数目-331 for the final, because there are three state final, victory, defeat, a tie. Victory by the three judge to judge, judge rules IPB is counter to the largest number of sites aim
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- MudMaster 2000 的C++源码,是除ZMud之外较流行的mud游戏客户端,是从国外网站下的。-MudMaster 2000 C source code, except ZMud is more popular outside the mud game client, from the overseas sites.
- 这是用c++语言编写的在SCST仿真平台机器人足球赛一个比赛队提交的结果. 其中有一些人工智能的算法 值得一看.-This is the language used c SCST in robot soccer simulation platform for the team to a result. There are some interesting sites in artificial intelligence algorithms.
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- 瓦片世界,类似于推箱子游戏,一个智能体自动将箱子推到制定地点并且计算步数,附带地图编辑代码,可以自行设定地图-Tile world, similar to Sokoban Game, an agent will automatically push the boxes to the development of sites and the calculation step, with the map editor code, you can set up their own map
- 用vc写的四国战略军棋,含有完整的服务端和客户端,不容错过,该代码是从其他网站下载下来的,还没来得及看,请有共同兴趣的朋友一起探讨-Vc written in the four countries with the strategic Jun Qi, containing a complete server and client, not to be missed, the code is downloaded from other sites, and have not had time to
- 这是一个拼图游戏,我也是从其它网站上搞到的,是MFC做的,虽然原理简单,但是浏览后会对你的编程有一定思路-This is a jigsaw puzzle, I also got from other sites is done MFC, although simple in principle, but after browsing the programming you will have some ideas
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- 传说中,南极有一片广阔的冰原,在冰原下藏有史前文明的遗址。整个冰原被横竖划分成了很多个大小相等的方格。在这个冰原上有N个大小不等的矩形冰山, 这些巨大的冰山有着和南极一样古老的历史,每个矩形冰山至少占据一个方格,且其必定完整地占据方格。冰山和冰山之间不会重叠,也不会有边或点相连。 ACM探 险队在经过多年准备之后决定在这个冰原上寻找遗址。根据他们掌握的资料,在这个冰原上一个大小为一格的深洞中,藏有一个由史前人类制作的开关。 而唯一可以 打开这个开关的是一个占据接近一格的可移动的小冰块
- This a simple puzzle game consisting of a set of blocks which you must eliminate. It is basically a clone of I.Q. AKA Kurushi. The aim is to remove the incoming blocks by "capturing" them before they reach the end of the map, with the exception of th
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- 《林海雪原》游戏程序源代码,由于本网站上前面的上传者,大家下载之后都是只有贴图的图片,没有源代码,下载解压后感到很失望,没有多大用处。这是我个人在其他网站上,下载到的含有源代码,内容很全,很适合大家学习参考之用,有需要的赶快下载,不要被其他的下载版本迷惑哦!-"Linhaixueyuan" game source code, due to this site in front of the upload, download after are the only map picture, not
- 这是我从别的网站下载的一个策略游戏原代码,个人认为参考价值比较大,虽然不是我的原创,但希望和大家分享-This is a strategy game from other sites to download the original code, I personally think that the reference value is relatively large, though not original, but would like to share
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