- Linphone is a web phone: it let you phone to your friends anywhere in the whole world, freely, simply by using the internet. The cost of the phone call is the cost that you spend connected to the internet. -Linphone is a web phone : it let you phon
- With today’s processors running at frequencies of more than 1GHz, you can use the processor clock to time events with much higher accuracy than 10 ms.From www.Intel.com-With today's processors running at freque ncies of more than 1 GHz, you can u
- The same two-stage decoder as above. However, when transforming the symbols prior to Viterbi decoding, the amplitude information is ignored and only the phase of the received symbol is employed in the metric computation stage. -The same two-stage
- This control makes it possible to redirect the stdin/stdout of a console-application to your program. It s even possible to redirect MS-DOS commands to your application. I ve written this project in Visual C++ 6.0 with ATL 3.0, because you can t use
- Thanks to those of you who take the time to read through the article. If you feel like dropping off a vote (and particularily if it s a low one), please include a comment which mentions what the problem was :) I ve been getting mostly high votes for
- Windows Animated Cursor Handling Exploit (0day) Works on fully patched Windows Vista I think it is first real remote code execution exploit on vista =) Tested on: Windows Vista Enterprise Version 6.0 (Build 6000) (default installation a
- AppWizard has created this BindFile application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of w
- FlexCell表格製作系統屬共享軟件,作者自學VB一年有餘,深知編程之苦之樂,有時為某一功能的實現要花費許多時間,概因周圍無可交流人員。為使後學者在某些方面少走彎路,特製作此軟件,並公佈源程序,您可以免費傳播、使用共同促進中國軟件事業的發展...... 若您有疑問請給作者發郵件:E-mail:clg-123@126.com 作 者:陳峰 作者郵件:\"希望居住能把它在網上發佈出來,我是模仿照他原模板寫的,裡面有很多功能還代高手完善。其中裡面有很多都模仿了EXCEL的風格,我想要是有那為
- vb简单的多线程代码!有时不太安全,请编译好后使用!
- 此为NachOs实验报告及源码,实验内容: 1. 研究code/shell 下的代码: Nachos 所给的源代码的code/shell 目录下的源代码实现了一个shell,该shell 利用C/C++ 对Linux Shell 命令的调用支持( execl (SHELL, SHELL, "-c", exec_name,NULL) )实现了一个Shell 的Wrapper,使得一个函数(nachos_syscall.c 中的Exec(char*exec_name))可以实现所有的Linu
- 基于CAO方法的ROSSLER方程的嵌入维数选取-CAO method based on equation ROSSLER select the embedding dimension
- 目录 1 引言..... 1 1.1 编写目的............... 1 1.2 范围.... 1 1.3 定义.... 1 1.4 参考资料............... 1 2 总体设计................. 1 2.1 需求规定............... 1 2.2 运行环境............... 2 2.3 基本设计概念和处理流程...... 2 2.4 结构.... 2 2.5 功能需求与程序的关系.....
- Th e program sinulates multicast operation in ad hoc networks using centdian definition.
- RSA算法实验报告和代码 1.选取两个素数p,q(不可相差悬殊) 2.计算n=pq,f(n)=(p-1)(q-1) 3.选取e,满足1<e<f(n),则gcd(e,f(n))=1 4.计算d,满足de=1 mod f(n)。一般d>=[n的四分之一方],(e,n)为公钥,(p,q,d)为私钥,将明文0,1序列分组,使每组十进制小于n。c=[m的e次方] mod n,m=[c的d次方] mod n。-RSA algorithm and code an experi
- 2的10000次方,实现的方式一般,欢迎大家测试-2 10,000 th power to achieve a general way, welcome to test
- UNIX 网络编程 第1卷 套接口API 第三般-UNIX Network programming Th Sockets Networking API THIRD EDTION
- Improve th roughput in ns2 with source code-Improve the throughput in ns2 with source code
- this document is a good helphand to th e newer who study linux frist
- Fonction of logistic and standard chaotic for the cipher a images -Fonction of logistic and standard chaotic for the cipher a images
- 加密算法DES的源程序,包含源代码及其必要的注释,该程序可以在windows下运行-the coding program of DES, the program and its commenting, the program can be run in th windows operation.