- arm9的bootloader,适合通用2410x平台 vivi.pal(20051228)支持tv输出和vga输出,vclk为26.25mhz vivi(20060330)支持vga输出和tv输出,vclk为25mhz 以上两个vivi均编译自vivi-br-release(20051228).tar.gz 在两个不同vivi间切换的方法是在源文件“/include/platform/smdk2410.h”中打开或者取消对PAL640480宏的定义: #define PAL
- ns-2.26的补丁程序,安装ns2.26时可能需要。此程序不太容易从网上找到。-ns-2.26 patches, may need to install ns2.26. This program is not easy to find from the Internet.
- 一个基于GTK+的单词数值计算器,1、 按照规则计算单词的值,如果 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 26个字母(全部用大写)的值分别为 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26,如: WINJACK这个单词的值就为:W+I+N+J+A+C+K=23+9+14+1+3+11=71% HARDWORK=H+A+R+D+W+O+
- cFile Name : 2440lib.h // Function : S3C2440 // Date : February 26, 2002 // Version : 0.0 // History // 0.0 :Feb.20.2002:SOP : Programming start // 0.01:Mar.29.2002:purnnamu: For POWEROFF_wake_up, the START... label is added-cFile Name :
- pathnames.h,v 1.1 2004 11 14 07:26:26 paulus Exp.
- We are using ERANGE as it is part of the C++ ISO (see Table 26 in section 19.3) Using ERANGE improve the test as it means that the native errno.h file has really been included. -We are using ERANGE as it is part of the C++ ISO (see Table 26 in sect