- png文件的解码和文件格式说明,绝对源码,运行环境是linux,最小的代码,机不可失。-Decoded and file format descr iption of png format files. it s absolutely soure codes and can use on linux. And this is a very good oppotunity to get the smallest codes of this.
- 涵盖ftp封装的大部分库函数 以get命令为例演示,一个不错的ftp编程资料-ftp package covers most of the library functions to get orders demonstration example, a good ftp program information
- The same vulnerability to x_hp-ux11i_nls_ct.c,but exploit ping command to get root shell.
- 由于这是本人近一年前初学vb时的作品,所以比较幼稚,适合初学者使用和练习。祝大家国庆快乐,合家欢乐,发财发财再发财-because this my almost a year ago when a vb the works, more naive, for beginners to use and practice. I wish you all a happy National Day, and family happiness, fortune fortune to get rich aga
- 一个用sdl库和c++写的“太空大战”的游戏,游戏的图象都来自金山打字通2003中的“太空大战”, -没办法,因为自己的美工技术差。 -游戏适合小孩子玩,你是打字高高手就算了吧,:-)。 -游戏支持Linux/Win32平台,其实都是sdl的功劳,可移植行太好了。在windows下写, -拿到linux编译,就能运行了-sdl with a library and write c "space war", games of the images are from the 2,
- 各位Linux爱好者: 你好!本人有幸在坊间得到一名为“Linux C 函数参考”的文本文件,并在此基础重新排版并制成html文件以方便广大爱好者阅读,我感到无比的荣幸。在此多谢各位的鼎力支持,以及日益完善此文件,希望有朝一日能成为Linux编程爱好者必备的参考文件。在此再次多谢编写“Linux C 函数参考”的朋友。-to Linux lovers : Hello! I have been fortunate in the community to get a "C F
- Get Mac Address and all internet Protocol
- 这个程序也是基于minigui的对话框编程的,如何让对话框响应输入-this procedure is based on the dialog minigui programming, how to get the dialog response to the importation
- Excellent Bootloader with a lot of features for arm, can be used for homebrew applications or for learning how a bootloader works, it has support for networking and yet has a very small size. support for filesystems, flash disk, flash, cf etc present
- 在Linux系统上使用Socket接口实现FTP客户端和服务器的程序,使客户端可以连接至服务器,并且可以进行一些FTP的基本操作。客户端和服务器的命令通道和数据通道需要分离,支持以下一些FTP命令: get:取远方的一个文件 put:传给远方一个文件 pwd:显示远方当前目录 dir:列出远方当前目录 cd:改变远方当前目录 ?:显示提供的命令 quit:退出返回 !dir,列出本地当前目录。
- Linux下的tree命令,同window,功能更强大! 1、下载tree-源程序 2、解压源码到工作目录tar zxvf tree- 3、在tree-目录交叉编译:make CC=arm-linux-gcc 4、安装:make prefix=/home/xxxx/rootfs install Ubuntu下 直接 apt-get install tree 即可安装最新的tr
- The Kannel Open Source WAP and SMS gateway works as both an SMS gateway, for implementing keyword based services via GSM text messages, and a WAP gateway, via UDP. The SMS part is fairly mature, the WAP part is early in its development. In this r
- linux下用C实现模拟http客户端,支持get、post及上传文件等-under linux using C analog http client, support for get, post and upload documents, etc.
- linux下ftp服务器,实现ls cd put get quit命令-ftp server under linux, the realization of ls cd put get quit command
- linux 下修改蓝牙地址 sudo apt-get install bluez-utils libbluetooth-dev-linux change bluetooth address ubuntu8.10 sudo apt-get install bluez-utils libbluetooth-dev
- mini_httpd is a small HTTP server. Its performance is not great, but for low or medium traffic sites it s quite adequate. It implements all the basic features of an HTTP server, including: GET, HEAD, and POST methods. CGI. Basic authenticati
- 本代码是在linux环境下,用libpcap抓包文件,主要抓取ARP包-this code used on linux, get ARP packet
- get and set errno for linux Device Driver.
- get Own Property Descr iptor for Linux v2.13.6.
Get Swap Value
- Get current swap usage for all running processes Based on a bash scr ipt by Erik Ljungstrom 27/05/2011 Author = Christopher Ranschaert - 07/07/2012 Parses pids in /proc, collects the name from /proc/$pid/comm and calculates the swapsize from /proc/$p