- I. Introduction This code exploits a previously undisclosed vulnerability in the bit string decoding code in the Microsoft ASN.1 library. This vulnerability is not related to the bit string vulnerability described in eEye advisory AD20040210
- 该程序是Office2003的补丁。对于不同office下PPT难以打开的情况,该程序是个很好的解决办法。-that the procedure was Office2003 the patch. Different office under PPT it difficult to break the case, the procedure is a very good solution.
- strongSwan is an OpenSource IPsec implementation for the Linux operating system. It is based on the discontinued FreeS/WAN project and the X.509 patch which we developped over the last three years. In order to have a stable IPsec platform to base our
- 步骤一 查壳步骤二 脱壳步骤三 试运行程序 发现突破点步骤四 W32DASM 寻找突破点(可以跳过)步骤五 查询软件的编译类型步骤六 采用GetVBRes v0.51 对付VB程序步骤七 用W32Dasm载入修改后的文件步骤八 制作内存补丁 KeyMake v1.73-steps to check a shell two steps Shelling three steps trial operation procedures found breakthrough steps to find a
- VB6.0 控件许可证错误解决补丁,VB6.0 控件许可证错误解决补丁-VB6.0 control patch license error solution
- 在linux环境或者BT5中可以运行,用于研究无线网络安全,是火狐浏览器的一个插件-it s one patch of firfox,we can use it to reserch the security of wlan
- 0day提权漏洞 win2003-win 8均适用 Windows内核EPATHOBJ 0day漏洞是通过对PATHALLOC()进行内存压力测试爆出的,首先利用PATHREC>指向相同的的用户空间PATHREC EPATHOBJ::bFlatten它会”自旋”进行无限链表遍历。虽然它会自旋,但它会通过另一个线程池来打补丁(pprFlattenRec)到列表中的节点(因为它是在用户空间)。从而得到系统权限。-0day vulnerability mention the right