- 1: 注册系统热键(还有自定义消息函数) 2:托盘图标的简单建立 3:选择文件夹的对话框 4:打开和关闭一应用程序(打开进程) 5:对文件的超简单读和写 6:找到程序自己所在的路径 7:包含列举所有进程-1 : Registration System hotkeys (and the news function from the definition) 2 : Icon in the establishment of three simple : choose the f
- 窗口图标隐藏,托盘图标隐藏,桌面图标隐藏,静音,文件夹加密,自身托盘图标隐藏,热键,所有的隐藏只需左右键鼠标一起击或按下热键就能实现,真是好个东东!共享给大家!-window icon hidden, hidden tray icon, desktop icon hidden, quiet, folder encryption, hidden own tray icon, hotkeys, all the hidden just around together down on the mouse
- CRC32自检壳加壳工具Unicode版 支持命令行加壳,支持Unicode路径。 Param1 为需要加壳的文件, 后面的几个参数可不分先后 /dos //直接命令行加壳,不打开加壳对话框 /bak or /nobak //加壳前是否备份 /show //CRC自检出错时是否显示提示框 /msg#对话框标题#对话框内容#对话框图标(0-3) -CRC32 self加壳shell tool command line support Unicode version of
- 通过这个程序可以建立桌面快捷方式,并可以对桌面的系统图标进行设置,例如修改图标的图案。-Through this program can create a desktop shortcut, and can set the desktop icon in the system, for example, modify the icon designs.
- this platform sdk sample shell name space extension. but i was modified the little for drag&drop and shell icon -this is platform sdk sample shell name space extension. but i was modified the little for drag&drop and shell icon ...
- 自己编写的一个加密的日记本程序java源码,代码中有icon,注意编译时删除-I have written an encrypted diary program java source code icon, pay attention to compile delete
- 一套利用图示来告知从自己的电脑连接至网络的某网站所经过的ISP速率报告,及IP位址的工具。使用者只需输入网址,它便会依连线图示来显示,使用者可打开此网站或将某个ISP的传输率打印出来。-A set of chart is used to inform from your computer to connect to network by a web site through ISP rate report, and the IP address of the tool. Users enter
- 在windows操作系统下使用C++编写一个带图标的程序菜单-icon menu