- Vb设置窗体不能移动到屏幕以外的地方,也就是碰到屏幕边缘,它就不能再拖动了,与窗体吸附有点相似,有进修我们这种功能还是挺有用处的。-Vb set form can not be moved outside the screen, which is encountered edge of the screen, it can no longer drag, and with the adsorption of somewhat similar form, there are studies tha
- AES加密算法VB源码演示程序,涉及加密算法以及文件加密、解密,在多种场合中都可应用,本加密程序可以加密字符和加密文件,当然也可解密,对学习AES算法当然是挺有参考意义的-VB source AES encryption algorithm demo program, involving encryption algorithm and file encryption, decryption, can be applied in a variety of occasions, the encr
- 该程序为岭回归在决策分析中的应用,能够给出最优的各组分的回归系数-The program for the ridge regression in the application of decision analysis, be able to give the best of each component regression coefficients
- Fingerprint Identification is the method of identification using the impressions made by the minute ridge formations or patterns found on the fingertips. No two persons have exactly the same arrangement of ridge patterns, and the patterns of any