- 语音编码文档,将ILBC代码专为硬件时需进行操作及对代码进行优化-Speech coding documentation, will be ILBC code specifically for the hardware required to operate and optimize the code
- 混沌信号具有随机性、长期不可预测性和对初值的极端敏感等特性.-Chaos Applications in Speech Privacy
- 语音压缩编码中的g729p编码程序-Speech vocoder program comply to ITU G729 annex P-Speech vocoder program comply to ITU G729 annex P
- Compressive sampling is an emerging technique that promises to effectively recover a sparse signal from far fewer measurements than its dimension. The compressive sampling theory assures almost an exact recovery of a sparse signal if the signal is se
- 基于henon序列音频加密实验,1.构造有限长度的语音信号序列y(n);2.通过4Matsumoto-Chua-kobayashi模型产生超混沌序列vn;3.将超混沌序列掩盖信号序列并获得加密信号序列,然后通过信道传输出去;4.接受方受到信号后采用超混沌信号序列去掩盖获得原信号序列;5.将实现方案采用Matlab语言编程并仿真正确; -Henon sequence based audio encryption experiment 1. Construct a finite-length s
- 国密SM3是国家密码局颁布的Hash值计算算法,在国内被逐渐的广泛使用,这里是其的C语音的实现-The secret SM3 is issued by the State Password Administration Hash value calculation algorithm, is widely used gradually in China, here is the realization of the C speech
- In the fields of computational linguistics and probability, an n-gram is a contiguous sequence of n items a given sequence of text or speech. The items can be phonemes, syllables, letters, words or base pairs according to the application. The n-grams