- This program is about taking a sentence and somehow concealing it within a body of text and then subsequently being able to retrieve it. I.e. if you were to send someone the file, it would just look like the book and you d not notice that it containe
- un fichier et peut le cacher dans un autre. C eet original avec les chifres, c est m阭e tr鑣 bien invent? Bravo Pour un d閎utant c est bien trop
- RSA加密时间攻击是侧信道攻击中的一种重要方法,它利用密码算法执行时间所反映出的密钥信息,对密码系统进行攻击,攻击的主要对象是RSA密码体制。-RSA,encryption of RSA, it has a lot of codes about how to generate d,e,n.Then it offers plaintext to verify this model.After encryption, it decryption the ciphertext.
- code explains basic concepts of e-code explains basic concepts of ecc
- 破解补丁源码,易语言源码,带使用例程,和相关模块-Crack patch source, easy language source code, with use of routine
- KeePass is a free, open-source, light-weight and easy-to-use password safe. .-can remember all those passwords Nowadays you need to remember many passwords. You need a password for the Windows network logon, your e-mail account, your homepage s FTP
- le e salva chaves criptografadas
- It is encryption and decryption algorithm. AES is a symmetric encryption algorithm processing data in block of 128 bits.Under the influence of a key, a 128-bit block is encrypted by transforming it in a unique way into a new block of the same s
- Fermats test to check for primality. Code is in java. takes a e=random number and gives whether it is prime or not.
- excel字符串加密e xcel字符串加密-excel excel string encryption string encryption excel string encryption
- 破解程序一个很好的E语言破解,对于学习E语言的朋友有非常 大好的处-Crackers hellp please kater miss you cat
- RSA算法的C语言实现 1.密钥的产生 (1)选两个安全的大素数p和q。 (2)计算n=p×q,φ(n)=(p-1)(q-1),其中φ(n)是n的欧拉函数值。 (3)选一整数e,满足1<e<φ(n),且gcd(φ(n),e)=1。 (4)计算d,满足de≡1 modφ(n),即d是e在模φ(n)下的乘法逆元,因e与φ(n)互素,由模运算可知,它的乘法逆元一定存在。 (5)以{e,n}为公开钥,{d,n}为秘密钥。 2.加密 加密时首先将明文M比特串分组
- 文件版权修改器 小源码 可以修改软件的里面的内人 E语言的源码-Copyright modifier small source files can be modified source software language inside my wife E
- 将一个普通的数值对应到椭圆曲线上,即寻找图样曲线上的点,并且是整数值点,为后面的签名做好准备-The value corresponds to an ordinary elliptic curve, i.e. to find the point on the curve pattern, and is an integer value points to prepare for the subsequent signature
- exemplo para testar des, triple des e outros.
- Implement Diffie-Hellman Key exchange protocol and demonstrate that at the end, both person will have a common Key. Do the following: 1. Set a variable p ( e.g. p = 37) and g (e.g. g = 5). 2. Generate a, a random number mod p. Now generate A,
- DSA签名程序和DSA验证程序。 签名程序流程: a. 读入字符串(从屏幕或文本文件中),字符串内容应包含自己的学号或姓名; b. 计算该字符串的SHA-1值; c. 生成DSA密钥对(利用dsa_make_key); d. 利用dsa_export函数导出所生成的DSA密钥对的公钥,并保存到文件中(dsa_key.pub),供验证程序使用; e. 对第2步产生的SHA-1值进行签名,保存签名到文件中(signature.txt)(DSA signatures and DSA val