- int bitmapHeight = button1.Top- 20 bitmap = new Bitmap(bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight, this.CreateGraphics()) Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap) g.Clear(this.BackColor) g.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(Color.YellowGreen),5,5 ,bitmapWidth
- ElGamal algorithm not only used for data encryption can be used for digital signatures, their safety depends on the calculation of a finite field discrete logarithm this problem. Key to the method. First of all, choose a prime number p, the two rando
- 2015说摸fdg fdg g fg -sdf a fds sf sfg sf dfg sfd
- Solve descrete log problem using meet in the middle attack. More formally, write a program to compute discrete log modulo a prime p. Let g be some element in Z p and suppose you are given h in Z p such that h = gx where 1 ≤ x ≤ 240. Your goal
- Implement Diffie-Hellman Key exchange protocol and demonstrate that at the end, both person will have a common Key. Do the following: 1. Set a variable p ( e.g. p = 37) and g (e.g. g = 5). 2. Generate a, a random number mod p. Now generate A,