- 用JAVA构建企业CA中心.包括制作企业根证书,制作服务器端证书,用CA根证书签发服务器端根证书,客户端证书的颁发,客户端证书的验证等等。-with Java build enterprise CA Center. Including the production of enterprises root certificate, a certificate production server with CA-issued certificate of the root certificate s
- 前些天在网上看到了一些关于OPENSSL的介绍,觉得很有意思,于是做了一个程序,基本实现了数字证书的制作、SSL安全通讯、加解密操作等功能,秉承OPENSSL开放的原则,拿出来共享,主要实现写在了两个DLL中, The first days on-line saw some about the OPENSSL introduction, have thought very interestingly, thereupon has made a procedure, basically has
- 包含标准证书编/解码、哈希、MD5、SHA1等算法的实现源码, Contains the standard certificate to arrange/algorithm the and so on decoding, Hasche, MD5, SHA1 realization source code
- 用来注册CSP的程序,包含向注册表中写入名称,支持算法类型,在CSP选择列表中列出等。。。配合cspsign可完成CSP的注册和生成sig文件的功能-CSP registration procedures used, including to write the name of the registry to support the algorithm type, choose the CSP list and so on. . . CSP with cspsign registration t
- 用des方式加密,解密。输入文件路径后再输入加密后文件产生路径,就可以进行加密,解密亦然-Way to use des encryption, decryption. Enter the file path and then enter the encrypted file have the path, you can encrypt, decrypt so
- 是一个软件提取工具,可以用来修改等等.有兴趣大家一起研究一下.-Extraction is a software tool that can be used to modify and so on. Have everyone together to look interested.
- Random and pseudorandom bit generators (RBGs, PRBGs) are used for many purposes including cryptographic, modeling, and simulation applications. For cryptographic purpose, they are required in the construction of encryption keys, other cryptographic p
- 该软件成功实现了电子印章的简易生出与使用,这样能够更好地提高保密文件的权威性和安全性。-The software successfully give birth to the electronic seal and easy to use, so better able to enhance the authority of classified documents and security.
- Usually we see static Captcha, now we will make an imated Captcha. Now this cool. What does the captcha look like? It just like the ordinary Captcha, the difference is the letters are moving and animated. You can set your Captcha setting quickly suc
- How to make a very basic captcha image and validate the form input to make sure the code matches. Does not use sessions of any sort. The image also just uses the built in PHP fonts so no need to load font files. I also put three random lines in the
- 很自然可以考虑到 问题解决的这一层 或许是自然属性的最高级 就是说我们不能再找到比它更合适 更抽象的表述了 同时我们也能得到 这样的方法 其实侧面的证明了 自然方案的有限性 即 如果能够 那我们可以在有限的空-时范围内 认识该范围 的所有自然属性 当你遇到一个SB的时候 请注意 一定要尽可能的给他舞台 让他尽情的发挥 这样才有可能 让他自己觉得自己有多么得SB -Hen naturally consider the problem solving of this layer m
- 用于查看文件被谁加锁了,这个代码是很久以前的,但感觉还是很有用,于是就奉献出来了。-Whom used to view the file locking, and this code is a long time ago, but the feeling is still very useful, so he dedicated out.
- 简单的加密算法设计想法 是我的学习网络安全时老师给的一个任务-This is easy procject .because it very easy so do not said anything.
- This literature review glances at the research that has been published in the area of chaos cryptography along with cryptanalysis of chaotic cryptosystem. It compares and contrasts the work done in different research papers towards the designing
- aes的.net源代码,让你很快学会aes高级加密算法,已经通过测试,希望能下载,-aes of the .net source code, so you quickly learn aes encryption algorithm has been tested, hoping to download
- used for creating certificate and so on.-used for creating certificate and so on.
- 对各种加密算法的总结,简单易懂,例如:rsa,des,md5,sha1等等算法-To all sorts of encryption algorithm summary, easy to understand, for example, rsa, des, md5, sha1 algorithm and so on
- 为了提高图像加密算法的鲁棒性,提出了一种新的自适应图像加密算法。首先,把任意大小的灰度或彩 色图像分成2 × 2 子块 然后,用左上角子块的像素灰度值和Chebyshev 混沌映射构造与右上角子块等大的矩阵,用该 矩阵对右上角子块进行像素灰度值替换 最后,按顺时针对每个子块进行加密,直到左上角子块加密完毕。该算法不 依赖于图像的大小,而且适用于灰度图像和彩色图像,因而有很强的鲁棒性。同时灰度值扩散机制的引入使得该算 法具有良好的扩散性和扰乱性。-This paper presen
- 数字签名算法,使用RSA非对称密码算法,应该是非对称加密算法。DES是一种对称加密算法,不能做为数字签名的算法。对称加密算法由于加密和解密都是使用同一个密钥,所以无法保证密钥的完全保密(至少加密解密的两个人知道),也就不能唯一的确定加密者的身份。-Digital Signature Algorithm, using RSA asymmetric cryptographic algorithm should be non-symmetric encryption algorithm. DES is
- It is encryption and decryption utility hich Works according to the "key" you choose. Once you Encrypted the Message you can send it to your friends, classmates to which you can give the key. And on their side they can Decrypt the message by the key