- 支持DVB-S,DVB-T,DVB-C的系统前端加扰和解扰过程,请注意加扰与加密不同,本程序包实现的是纯粹的加扰和解扰过程,不对KEY进行加密传输。要求输入测试文件时,请按照C语言的文件访问要求输入,如key.txt表示你要使用的KEY放在了名为key的txt文件中,不可写成“key.txt”。-To support the DVB-S, DVB-T, DVB-C system front-end process of scrambling and descrambling, please no
- Usually we see static Captcha, now we will make an imated Captcha. Now this cool. What does the captcha look like? It just like the ordinary Captcha, the difference is the letters are moving and animated. You can set your Captcha setting quickly suc
- 它是一个可以对文本进行加密的程序的脚本.但是不需要输入密码。不公开加密算法即保证加密安全。-It is a can encrypt program text. But not the scr ipts need to input a password. Don t open encryption algorithm is also guaranteed encryption security.
- we have hidden data in bitmaps, MIDI tracks and .NET assemblies, you might miss one important file format. You might miss the files that can hide lots of bytes without becoming larger, and can be generated in a few seconds, so that you don t have to
- ISDB-T流, BCAS 标准加解密算法源码-ISDB-T stream, BCAS standard encryption and decryption algorithm source code
- Skein算法的优化的32bit实现。Skein虽然没有最终竞选成功,但它本身仍然是一种不错的算法。-Skein algorithm 32bit optimized implementation. Although Skein didn t pass SHA-3 final round competition, it s a good algorithm
- Skein参考算法的实现,尽管Skein没有通过最后一轮竞选,但它本身仍是一种优秀的散列加密算法-Skein reference alogrithm, although Skein didn t pass the last round competition, it s a excellent alogrithm for hash encryption
- BLAKE优化的32bit的算法的实现,尽管Skein没有通过最后一轮竞选,但它本身仍是一种优秀的散列加密算法-BLAKE optimized 32bit alogrithm, although Skein didn t pass the last round competition, it s a excellent alogrithm for hash encryption
- BLAKE的参考算法的实现,尽管Skein没有通过最后一轮竞选,但它本身仍是一种优秀的散列加密算法-BLAKE reference alogrithm, although Skein didn t pass the last round competition, it s a excellent alogrithm for hash encryption
- JH优化的64bit的算法的实现,尽管Skein没有通过最后一轮竞选,但它本身仍是一种优秀的散列加密算法-JH optimized 64bit alogrithm, although Skein didn t pass the last round competition, it s a excellent alogrithm for hash encryption
- JH的参考算法的实现,尽管Skein没有通过最后一轮竞选,但它本身仍是一种优秀的散列加密算法-JH reference alogrithm, although Skein didn t pass the last round competition, it s a excellent alogrithm for hash encryption
- Groestl的优化的32bit的实现,尽管Skein没有通过最后一轮竞选,但它本身仍是一种优秀的散列加密算法-Groestl optimized 32bit alogrithm, although Skein didn t pass the last round competition, it s a excellent alogrithm for hash encryption
- Groestl的优化的32bit的算法的实现,尽管Skein没有通过最后一轮竞选,但它本身仍是一种优秀的散列加密算法-Skein reference alogrithm, although Skein didn t pass the last round competition, it s a excellent alogrithm for hash encryption
- C++ code of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). This program doesn t have any mode of operation.