- 很完善的linux下hello word 驱动程序,对初学者很有帮助-Hello word perfect linux driver, useful for beginners
- jz2440的硬件驱动源码,包括常见的外设驱动测试-Please conscientiously Please the of the detailed function of of the conscientiously writing the Upload data, contains the the the contents of descr iption of (at least you want to to as the 20 word). Do not let as much as p
- unix读写操作封装,文件描述符,包括socket,pipe,按字数操作-unix read and write operations package, file descr iptors, including the socket, pipe, by the word operation
- 一个关于信号量机制使用的学习例子。具体要求和代码都在word里了。要求使用vi进行代码的编写,使用make工具建立工程。将实现不同类别功能的函数写到不同的.c文件中,并使用makefile链接编译。 -Use vi be writing code, use make tools to create projects. The function of different types of functions written to achieve different. C file and co
- LDA是一种文档主题生成模型,也称为一个三层贝叶斯概率模型,包含词、主题和文档三层结构。文档到主题服从Dirichlet分布,主题到词服从多项式分布。 LDA是一种非监督机器学习技术,可以用来识别大规模文档集(document collection)或语料库(corpus)中潜藏的主题信息。它采用了词袋(bag of words)的方法,这种方法将每一篇文档视为一个词频向量,从而将文本信息转化为了易于建模的数字信息。但是词袋方法没有考虑词与词之间的顺序,这简化了问题的复杂性,同时也为
- 编写程序实现进程的管道通信。具体要求:首先使用系统调用pipe( )建立一个管道;然后分别创建2个子进程,要求2个子进程分别向管道各写一句话:“Child 1 is sending a message!” 和 “Child 2 is sending a message!” 最后,父进程从管道中读出二个来自子进程的信息并显示。-编写程序实现进程的管道通信。具体要求:首先使用系统调用pipe( )建立一个管道;然后分别创建2个子进程,要求2个子进程分别向管道各写一句话:“Child 1 is sen
- 主程序创建两个线程 myThread1 和myThread2, 每个线程打印一句话。-The main program creates two threads myThread1 and myThread2, each thread to print a word.
- RFID测试程序基于So for example one transfer might send a nine bit command (right aligned * in a 16-bit word), the next could read a block of 8-bit data before * terminating that command by temporarily deselecting the chip the next * could send a d
- linux :实现基于GTK+的单词数值计算器-linux count word GTK
- 利用管道实现父进程子进程之间的通信 三个进程分别实现单词串的输入、小写转换为大写、将其拆分为一个个单词输出-The use of the pipeline to communicate three parent process child process were achieved between the input word train, lowercase to uppercase, which was split into a word output
- 统计文字:From the specified text to find the number of occurrences of a given words, and statistics, and cannot duplicate statistics-Count Word:From the specified text to find the number of occurrences of a given words, and statistics, and cannot duplica
- nrf 51822 dfu Technological process ,this word can be used to os or windows