- WSP is an HTTP to WSP proxy that can be used to forward HTTP requests to WSP, which is used in WAP 1.x. It may be called a reverse WAP gateway, and enables you to test or browse WAP sites with HTTP tools. It also can be used with penetration test too
- ISO/IEC 9506 MMS 标准,很难找的-ISO/IEC 9506 MMS standard
- 1、运行MMSOcxSetup.EXE文件进行控件的安装和控件注册。 2、控件接口名称为EtesnMMS。 3、控件默认连接串口为com1,如果需要使用其他com口,请在您的exe文件目录下创建一个名为“SetCom.txt”的文件(示例程序文件夹中有此文件)。文件内容写com口名称,如com3。 4、如果在中国大陆以外的区域使用,需要根据使用手机卡类型设置MMSCSet.ini文件中的相关参数,并且把MMSCSet.ini文件拷贝到调用控件的EXE程序同一目录下。-1, run M
- Mbuni is a fully-fledged Free/Open Source Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) gateway. It includes both core network MMS switching (i.e. MMSC) capabilities as well as messaging gateway (i.e. MMSC infrastructure integration) features, and is suitable f