- symbian 练习小程序,新手来看看,有意见请指出,谢谢! -small symbian practice procedures, to look at the novice, there are views that please, thank you!
- 这是个基于SYMBIAN OS的菜单管理程序,很适用于刚刚学SYMBIAN的朋友。大家多多研究下,学SYMBIAN一定要多看多写啊。这也是《SERIES 60》书中源码-This is based on the Symbian OS menu management procedures, just very applicable to the study of Symbian friends. We study some more, Symbian must learn to look at w
- symbian平台上多线程的例子,可以结合CActive看看symbian平台上的多任务处理机制-symbian platform multithreading example, CActive look at the possibilities of combining the symbian platform for multi-task handling mechanism
- A bemused fork for X remote control aplications or bash control, using bluetooth o tcp and a client symbian at mobile system.
- 通过通信卫星获取 手机当前的经纬度 具体说明看代码 -The current through the communications satellite to obtain the phone looking at the code to specify the latitude and longitude
- symbian的学习笔记,在学习过程中搜集到的一些资料,适合初学者学习,免去上网搜索时间-symbian the study notes, course of study at some of the information collected, suitable for beginners study, replacing the Internet search time
- Symbian 初学者实例,实现加减乘除,可安装在手机上使用!-Symbian beginners example, Math & implementation, can be installed on cell phone use at!
- SYmbian GUI 多视图实例,可安装在手机上使用!-SYmbian GUI view of many examples that can be installed on cell phone use at!
- Symbian 工程图标的修改,可安装在手机上使用!-Symbian project icon changes, can be installed on cell phone use at!
- 网上找到的一个在s60机上的合金弹头源码,可惜的是没有资源,无法运行。这个游戏只有两个类,但是没有抛弃面对对象的思想,此游戏的版权归开发者,下载之作学习之用,如用于其他用途一切后果由下载者负责。-Found online at s60 a plane source on the Metal Slug, but that does not have the resources, can not run. Only two types of the game, but did not abandon
- 《Symbian OS Communications Programming, 2nd Edition》一本关于Symbian OS通信编程的书。 -《Symbian OS Communications Programming, 2nd Edition》 An up-to-date insight into Communications programming at Symbian, incorporating changes introduced by the latest ve
- 一个简单的资源管理器,可以用来学习UI等知识-a simple file list, you can take a look at some UI and file API via this code
- 手机s60第三版动画编程相关,学S60写游戏编程,看看这几程序有点帮助-S60 third edition mobile phone-related animation programming, learning to write games S60 programming, take a look at some of these procedures to help
- Symbian系统中手机顶部,一些区域的操作,如导航栏,修改图标等-Symbian mobile phone system at the top, a number of regional operations such as navigation bars, icons such as modified
- 这是一个绘图工具源码,是用C#写的。是一个能够很好体现面向对象的程序。同时又是很强大的绘图程序。-This is a drawing tool for source code, is written in C#. Is a well reflect the object-oriented programming. At the same time is a very powerful drawing program.
- The Symbian OS Basics course contains lab exercises to give a practical approach to learning the course material.-The Symbian OS Basics course contains lab exercises to give a practical approach to learning the course material. A lab exercise is ty
- Symbian编码规范,让你编写的代码让别人看了一目了然。-Coding standard Symbian, so you write the code to let others read at a glance.
- Symbian s60 player源代码,包括两个部分,其中播放和录音功能打包成动态的dll文件,在文件filebrowserUI中调用dll来播放和录音。filebrowser实现文件夹和文件的列表,可以遍历C盘和D盘,打开任意的文件夹,遍历文件夹下的文件,对文件进行播放、暂停、停止操作,播放过程中可以进行外置录音,录制的音频文件自动以当前时间来命名,保存在E盘当中。本程序中只遍历出WAV、mp3、amr的音频文件,要遍历其他文件可自己在代码处添加。程序代码由本人所作,在N73上通过测试,能
- 手机上的一卡多号补丁源码 需要配合elf使用。 请勿用于任何商业以及非法用途。-Vertual MultiSIM patch work with elf run at Siemens mobile No commercial goals should you use this...
- symbian 的多媒体的例子 谢谢 希望对家有用-Examples of multimedia symbian Thank want to be useful at home