- 在symbian中使用电话监听功能时使用的头文件和库,分类的,很不容易找到我这么全的-symbian in the use of telephone bugging functional use of header files and libraries, classification, I am not so easy to find all the
- symbian平台下XML解析工具,比较好用,symbian platform XML parsing tools, more easy to use
- 里面有cJSON的修改版和原版, 修改版支持long long类型(之前项目有需求改的), 原版也在里面并且带有使用例子.. 这是我比较过10几款json库觉得最好用的, 支持中文, dom解析 而且简单易用! 而且我修改后的那个是可以解析long long类型的-There cJSON the modified version of the original and modified version of support for long long type (before
- symbian中讲述的一个有关换menubar的例子,非常简单易学-symbian described in a menubar for example, very easy to learn
- symbian教学课件,介绍很详细,对于描述符,活动对象,系统安全等都有很深入的介绍,最重要的是中文的,看起来很方便-symbian courseware, a very detailed introduction for the descr iptors, active objects, such as system security, are in-depth introduction, above all English, and looks very easy
- S60 SDL is a Simple DirectMedia Layer adaptation for S60. SDL is a cross-platform multimedia library: Applications and libraries built on SDL can easily be ported to other operating systems. But S60 SDL does more than makes porting easy: S60 multimed
- 《Quick Recipes on Symbian OS Mastering C++ Mobile Development》Symbian OS开发快速入门的一本书。-《Quick Recipes on Symbian OS Mastering C++ Mobile Development》 Symbian OS continues to be the top operating system for smartphones across the world, with the num
- This is an Important document in ppt format for the user who wants some working knowledge of network programming in symbian os platform. This is a well written and easy documents extracted from various sources of symbian.
- This is an Important document in ppt format for the user who wants some working knowledge of data types and memory managment in symbian os platform. This is a well written and easy documents extracted from various sources of symbian.
- Presentation shows some basic knowledge of working with symbian os platform and it may help the user those are good in c++ and want to start work in symbian os development. This is a well written and easy documents extracted from various sources of s
- symbian平台上浏览器控件使用的例子,演示如何创建一个浏览器控件并显示网页。-This example shows how easy it is to create a browser control that will enable you to display web related content.
- 重新启动手机的源码,试过,好用。请放心下载-To re-activate the phone' s source code, tried, easy to use. Please be assured that download
- 得到手机串号的例子,总结好了,第二版、第三版都在里面。绝对好用。请放心下载使用。-Get IMEI example, summed up well, second edition, the third edition are inside. Is absolutely easy to use. Please be assured that download.
- windowsmobile代码移植到Symbian例子,让移植变的简单 -windowsmobile code run on the symbian platform example,it make change easy.
- symbian 动态数组讲解:由浅入深、图文并茂、初学者很容易理解-symbian explain dynamic arrays: Deep and illustrated, easy to understand for beginners
- 飞信Symbian客户端接口规范,使用方便可靠,直接下载使用,不需安装使用。-Fetion Symbian client interface specification, easy to use and reliable, direct download, without installation.
- 飞信Symbian客户端接口规范,使用方便可靠,直接下载使用,不需安装使用。-Fetion Symbian client interface specification, easy to use and reliable, direct download, without installation.
- Symbian静默安装,静默卸载的代码,难得一见,绝对好用-Symbian silent installation, silent uninstall code, a rare, absolutely easy to use
- Symbian下的饿Json解析,以及如何使用 S-Json is a Symbian C/C++ Json Parser easy and simple to use. Its code is released under the GNU GPLv3 (see COPYING FILE)-Symbian Json parsing under the hungry, and how to use S-Json is a Symbian C/C++ Json Parser easy a
- Symbian OS 任务管管理器源代码比较好用的源码实例 -Symbian OS tasks tube Manager source code is relatively easy to use source code examples