- Funambol是由www.funambol.com推出的一款开源的push mail软件。它的主要功能如下: 1.push mail 2.日历和电话本的同步 3.设备管理-Funambol syncs this data with billions of phones and with thousands of applications and online services. It doesn t matter if you use Gmail, Yahoo!, AOL, Hot
- 获取手机当前环境的WIFI数据。WLAN等区域 可用网络。以及信号强度。经我整理后,可以直接使用,是一个类文件。但别忘了添加LIB文件。-don t forget to add the lib file when you use it
- Irrlicht (pronounced [ˈ ɪ ɐ ̯ lɪ ç t] in German) is an open source 3D engine written in C++. It is cross-platform, officially running on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Windows CE and due to its open nature ports to other systems
- 大量的symbian手机源代码,有些测试过,有些没测试,下载请自行测试。-A lot of symbian phones source code, some testing, some didn t test, download please make test.
- wxSymbian development by Jordan Langholz started working on it. However he couldn t be joined since more than a year so the development is stalled. We only have the latest available snapshot of his work.
- it is symbian project , for creating custom button on UI , as in S60 we don,t have direct button which can be created so this app help in creating custon button
- This is a test program for Symbian s60 6.0/6.1. It s used to test if an Executive call (svc/swi) instruction return after being called. It s purpose is to know the underlaying ways the operating system works. It s should be possible to comp