- 传奇私服ID无法注册解决工具源码-legendary artists ID registration tools to solve source
- 本程序是简单拼图游戏的算法,可以解决如八数码难题 -this procedure is simple puzzles and the algorithm can solve problems such as eight digital
- 简易聊天工具,用JAVA开发,其中视频语音聊天尚有问题存在,希望高手能帮忙解决!-simple chat tools, developed with Java, video and voice chat are still problems, experts hope will help solve!
- Using Genetic Algorithm to solve the 8 Queens problem.-Using Genetic Algorithm to solve the eight Quee ns problem.
- VC开发的游戏,算法简单而有效,可以解决24点中的经典问题-VC development of the game, is simple and effective, can solve 24 points of the classic issues
- 手机上的小游戏,初学者必看的东西~~ 解决屏蔽垃圾输入的问题-small phone games, beginners Watchable things ~ ~ shielded refuse to solve the problem of
- 4个数,加符号算出结果24的游戏,微软曾经面试题,用计算机求解,又详细过程。-Number 4, plus 24 symbols calculated results of the game, Microsoft face questions and use computers to solve. Also detailed process.
- 12个球:有这样一个问题:在12个大小和颜色都相同的球中,其中有一个球的重量与其它的11个球的重量不同。现在有一架天平,你能够只用这架天平只称3次就能够将该球找出来吗?该程序解决这个问题。虽然算法简单些,但是解该问题还是够难的。与大家共享!-12 balls : such a problem : In 12 sizes and colors are the same ball, There is a ball with the weight of the other 11 different w
- 够牛网命运613服务端正式版V1.4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [修复加入王国需要64个宝石的BUG] [修复蓝宝石可以刷物品的BUG] [龙,成长液100%] [修复了进化装备分母为0的错误] [支持进化装备,只能进化最后一套套装与神装] [武器全部可以进化] [经验限制100万] [掉宝限制8000] [组队限制15
- 用继承,多态,虚函数的理论解决实际问题,加入C++的文件操作.-with inheritance, polymorphism, the virtual function theory to solve practical problems, to C file operations.
- C语言实现的八皇后问题求解。 会下国际象棋的人都很清楚:皇后可以在横、竖、斜线上不限步数地吃掉其他棋子。如何将8个皇后放在棋盘上(有8*8个方格),使它们谁也不能被吃掉!这就是著名的八皇后问题。-C language of the eight Queen's problem to solve. Will be under the international chess are very clear : the Queen's horizontal, the vertic
- 24点游戏,是在做MFC实验时做的,代码有点粗糙,经修改后解决了一些BUG,但学是存在。-24-point game, MFC is doing experiments to do, code a bit rough, , as amended, to solve some BUG, but we exist.
- This interactive game allows you to manipulate and view the rubik s cube in 3D with the click of your mouse. If you get stuck, just click to watch the cube solve itself. Or, just \"rearrange the stickers\" and start over.
- 在matlab里制作的数独谜题用户界面,用于创建和解决数独谜题。包括了内建的数独解法和作弊暗示。也是一个学习用matlab做用户界面的很好的实例。Graphical user interface (GUI) for creating and solving sudoku puzzles. Includes built-in sudoku solver that can be used to solve typed-in puzzles or provide cheating hints if t
- 8puzzle game by Java This program can automatically solve 8 puzzle games with Manhattan approach and show each step.
- 解决有名的皇后问题-solve problems famous Statue
- 本人编的一个简单五子棋程序,自己的思想,自己的解题思路,绝对没有参照任何同类型源码。没有网络功能和数据库联接,不过还是值得大家看看,特别是初学者参考。-a simple series of the 331 procedures, their own thinking, their own ideas to solve problems, there is no reference to any source type. No network connectivity and database f
- 拥有最迅速的补血速度,最及时的开盾保护,最 流畅的边跑边打,最稳定的攻击加速,通存通取等众 多特色功能,此版本优化锁定,解决战士用野蛮后不 能锁定的问题,优化BOSS和物品的提示,优化物品名 称显示。欢迎体验!-have the most rapid rate of the blood, the most timely open shields, the most fluent of cough fighting, the most stable attacks accelerated-depo
- 本章只介绍了误差的基本概念和数值计算的若干原则,这对处理数值计算问题是必需的,但是仅这些还远远不能解决工程和科学计算中更为复杂的误差分析问题,还需专门分门别类地进行研究。-chapter on the error only the basic concept and numerical calculation of certain principles, which deal with numerical calculation is necessary, but they are far fr
- 用三种不同的搜索算法解决八数码问题,使得通过最短的路径和最小的消耗到达目标状态。-Three different search algorithms to solve the problem eight digital, making the shortest path and minimum through the consumption of the state to reach the target.