- 本程序是简单拼图游戏的算法,可以解决如八数码难题 -this procedure is simple puzzles and the algorithm can solve problems such as eight digital
- VC开发的游戏,算法简单而有效,可以解决24点中的经典问题-VC development of the game, is simple and effective, can solve 24 points of the classic issues
- 用继承,多态,虚函数的理论解决实际问题,加入C++的文件操作.-with inheritance, polymorphism, the virtual function theory to solve practical problems, to C file operations.
- 可以解决在智能手机玩GBA口袋怪兽叶绿无法存档的问题-You can solve the problem in the smart phone to play GBA Pokemon Leaf Green can not be archived
- 乐都的和韩国官方的代码 完全能编译 有点小问题 自己解决吧 本人菜鸟-Music and South Korean officials are completely able to compile the code bit of a problem to solve it my own rookie
- 名称叫做多边形游戏,是算法设计技巧与分析中经常会遇到的一类问题,主要是由贪心法来解决-Name of the game called the polygon is algorithm design techniques and analysis of a class of frequently encountered problems, mainly by the greedy method to solve
- We are given two 3-digit numbers called S (start) and G (goal), and also a set of 3-digit numbers called forbidden. To solve the puzzle, we want to get from S to G in the fewest possible moves. A move consists of transforming a number into anothe
- a sudoku solver, it can solve the sudoku you enter, an assignment in cla-a sudoku solver, it can solve the sudoku you enter, an assignment in class
- solve tsp,read file contains cities and makes matrix then solve by hillclimbing -iterrative ,stochastic and simulated annekling
- Paint by numbers i well known paper game. This software can automatically solve this games. File format is documented by example pictures.
- 解决约瑟夫问题,一圈人围在圆桌上,报数,从某人开始数数,数到4(举例)则该人被淘汰,剩下的人继续,直到全部被淘汰,依次输出淘汰顺序-solve Joseph problems: one for the original one, the other is for the new problem, they are similar,but they are not the same.
- This is simulation of classic 15 tile puzzle problem solver. It has capability to solve the problem using artificial intelligent techniques of depth first search and A-star search. This project is completely done in netbeans for running game requ
- 数独求解程序,用回溯法求解一般数独,效率比较高-Sudoku solver, using backtracking to solve Sudoku general, more efficient
- 本程序解决的通用问题是输入四个数,通过四则运算获取指定解的问题。 典型的是四数求二十四问题(算24点问题,又叫4张牌求24点问题,求24问题)。比如说给出7,-7,3,-3如何用+-*/)(运算符号,不重复的利用这四个数求得结果为24?不要认为这类问题简单,它其实有16896种可能的排列方法 而且,即使不用括号也有成百上千种可能 甚至,你不知道它是否有解。显然,用人脑解决一般是很费时费力的。重复性强的脑力活动交给程序办比较合适。同时,也应一个作家教的同学的要求(她被这样的初中题目难倒过,偏偏
- 一款可以解决你玩游戏不会出现为成年的限制,轻松解决你的任何问题-A solution you can play the game will not be limited to adult, easy to solve any problems you
- Sudoku game solve program source
- This a puzzle 8 automatic demo. It doesn t use graphics and it isn t playable, the game shows the steps to solve a random puzzle 8, showing each iteration until it arrives to end.-This is a puzzle 8 automatic demo. It doesn t use graphics and it isn
- solve the problem of 8 queen in simulated annealing algorithm
- 据说着名犹太历史学家Josephus有过以下的故事:在罗马人占领乔塔帕特后,39 个犹 太人与Josephus及他的朋友躲到一个洞中,39个犹太人决定宁愿死也不要被敌人到,于是决定了 一个自杀方式,41个人排成一个圆圈,由第1个人开始报数,每报数到第3人该人就必须自杀, 然后再由下一个重新报数,直到所有人都自杀身亡为止。 然而Josephus 和他的朋友并不想遵从,Josephus要他的朋友先假装遵从,他将朋友与自己安排 在第16个与第31个位置,于是逃过了这场死亡游戏。
- used to solve a sudoku !