- 怪物追赶玩家 ,你 按下 ctrl 键可攻击怪物。 地图可以自由编辑-monster chasing players, you press the ctrl keys can attack a monster. Free Map Editor
- delphi游戏开发最新的工具 2D3D都可以,到官方去下载,免费 这是DEMO-the latest game development tools 2D3D he can go to the official download, which is free DEMO
- ZIG Game Engine是一个免费的,或扩展的,C/C++ 游戏库。它提供了联网,脚本化,调试帮助和其它工具。和你的多媒体库(如Allegro, SDL, OpenGL)一起使用,你可以生成一个完整的客户端/服务器游戏或引擎-ZIG Game Engine is a free, or expanded, C / C for the game. It provides networking, scr ipts, debugging and other tools to help. And y
- hge是一款开源的免费2D游戏开发引擎,可以利用该引擎开发自己的游戏-revenue is free 2D game development engine, the engine can use and develop its own game
- popcap 公司的游戏引擎。 popcap 是国外的一个很牛的二D休闲游戏的制作公司。他的游戏引擎是开源的,但是不免费。是相当好的游戏代码。里面包括引擎代码,多个例子代码,其中一个例子完成度比较高。本人研究过,写得太好了。-popcap the game engine. Popcap abroad is a very cattle D leisure two games production companies. He is the engine of the game revenue,
- The Mana World (TMW) is a serious effort to create an innovative free and open source MMORPG. TMW uses 2D graphics and aims to create a large and diverse interactive world.
- The Mana World (TMW) is a serious effort to create an innovative free and open source MMORPG. TMW uses 2D graphics and aims to create a large and diverse interactive world.
- 真正C实现的LUA协程coroutine Coco -- True C coroutines for Lua --- --- --- --- Coco is a small extension to get True C Coroutine semantics for Lua 5.1. Homepage: http://luajit.org/coco.html Coco is Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Mike Pall. Coco i
- This K-3D, the free-as-in-freedom 3D modeling, animation, and rendering system.
- 用VB寫的經典遊戲坦克大戰,附有地圖編輯器,可自由編輯遊戲中的地圖。-VB wrote the classic distances, with the map editor, editorial free game map.
客户端及服务器源代码 (蛋清 OL)
- 要求 Ogre3D (free 3d library need) openAl (free sound library need) ACE (free network library need)
- 游戏引擎源代码,极具参考价值,配合3D游戏引擎设计一书-wildmagic 5 game engine source code
- JAVA开源游戏引擎。 Golden T Game Engine (GTGE) is a cross-platform game engine written in Java. Easy to learn, simple to use, compact, and free!,JAVA open-source game engine. Golden T Game Engine (GTGE) is a cross-platform game engine written in Java.Easy
- XNA入門及編程實用指南 一個微軟支持的免費3D遊戲引擎 可以開發WINDOWS及XBOX360遊戲,XNA Programming Practical Guide for Getting Started and Microsoft to support a free 3D game engine can be developed and XBOX360 games WINDOWS
- ET-xreal游戏引擎源码。ET-xreal是一款国外开源免费和跨平台的游戏引擎。-ET-xreal game engine source code. ET-xreal is a free open-source and foreign cross-platform game engine.
- 翎风M2早期正版源码 本M2源码是翎风的 当然现在发布的轰轰烈烈的SKY免费版M2 就是用这个M2编写的 本M2源码没有任何限制 大家可以用Delphi编写 也可以直接生成EXE文件 但是本源码不是五限制 稍微有点BUG 不然SKY不会发布无限制版了 本人估计这套源码是那翎风早期的源码改的 价值相比肯定上万元了 大家可以看生成EXE后的M2 LF.GIF 和sky.gif比较下就知道了哦 好东西就应该发布哦 !希望大家研究下哦 记得如果要开区的话建议还是使用SKY的-
- darkm2早期完整源码现在免费提供了..有本事的自己继续开发-the darkm2 Early integrity of the source code is now available free of charge .. have the ability to continue to develop their own
- 这是一个少有的免费游戏引擎了,希望大家喜欢-This is a rare free game engine, I hope you enjoy
- Silverlight 5的3D引擎开源项目,基于Silverlight 5平台。 支持以下功能: Collisions Diffuse channel Ambient channel Textures (including light maps) Per-pixel per-vertex shader Models/cameras and lights 项目开源,可自行修改!-Silverlight 5 3D engine open source project, based on Sil
- DirectX游戏开发终极指南源码,非常好用。很有指导意义。-Ultimate Game Programming with DirectX