- 此为quake 3游戏引擎 与大家共享! 但是没有相关技术说明! 很遗憾!如果那位大虾有相关资料或对此代码理解较为深刻,还请不吝赐教!-this as quake 3 game engine and share! But no relevant technical descr iption! Very sorry! If that prawns have information or to make a more profound understanding of code, als
- Symbian OS: 2D Game Engine Example file name: Symbian_OS_2D_Game_Engine_Example_v1_0.zip descr iption: This C++ example application shows how to make a portable and efficient 2D game on top of Symbian OS. The application supports different displ
- 矢量运算简介,游戏中必须用到的,想方便就先看这个矢量运算简介-vector computing profiles, the game must be used, wants to make it easier on us first look at the profiles of the vector computing
- 一个PocketPC平台MD游戏模拟器picodrive的源代码. Make sure you have Microsoft Visual C++ installed (I use 6.0 myself). Make sure you have Embedded Visual C++ 3.0 installed (4.0 isn t too great). Find ARMASM.EXE and copy it to the \"Cyclone\" directory (or
- 经典游戏文明系列的源代码,极其经典,学习制作游戏必备-classical civilization Series game's source code, extremely classical, must learn how to make games
- 這是一個2D引擎,最大的特點是好用,非常適合做演示,做小遊戲, 他效率不高,功能不是很全,但是使用方便,把開發者從底層中解放出來,尤其圖形、文字渲染部分,使用絕對的簡單,如果你不想在DX 2D渲染上糾纏不清,如果你想快速做一個2D演示,這個就是你想要的!,This is a 2D engine, the biggest feature is easy to use, very suitable for presentations, small game, he is not high effic
- Edgame Maker(简称E.M).是一款独立游戏制作软件,是为想真正自己创造游戏,又因为各方面原因,不适合学习C/C++这种较专业的计算机编程,或是觉得市面上目前的游戏制作软件无法满足需要的朋友出现的.采用Lua脚本驱动,外接插件模式.极大的降低了业余游戏制作门槛,你可以制作做出你希望的任何2D游戏,包括网络游戏.目前仅支持2D游戏制作.-Edgame Maker (referred to as EM). Is an independent game production softwar
- TestAnim Demonstrates the dtAnim animation system funcionality To run, use the GameStart utility and supply the library name on the command line. Usage: "GameStart.exe testAnim" or "GameStartD.exe testAnim" ** Visual Studio *
- 该源码为Thatcher Ulrich的游戏引擎测试器。是一个实验性和非实验性的面向游戏和图形的代码的混杂集合。可以利用该引擎LOD四叉树的算法。在大型3D游戏中,大规模室外地形真实感渲染是个室外渲染引擎的核心部分。而实现一个大规模的地形渲染系统的关键是怎么简化地形,抛弃不必要的渲染动作(如看渲染不见的三角形和不必要的细节)来加快渲染速度。 该代码支持3D网络游戏,有客户端和服务器端,语言使用C++,支持Linux, WIN32,可以参考demo程序。 编译可以在WIN32下,有Visu
- 大名鼎鼎Asphyre的delphi 3d游戏开发引擎,可以的是不支持d3d8(direct8),现在可以了,经我修改使Asphyre能支持了-Asphyre of the famous game developer delphi 3d engine, you can not support the d3d8 (direct8), can now, with my modifications to make to support the Asphyre
- 一个功能还算可以的游戏引擎,内容不算多,希望能帮助做内部场景的同志们!-Still can be a feature of the game engine, content is not large enough, to help make the internal scene comrades!
- 高性能游戏标准3D引擎源代码 -This sources are the drivers for 3DS files. They are here as a tutorial if you want to make your own drivers for your own formats. They are heavily stolen from the code of Jare/Iguana.
- My old gui. Wrote when I was 15. Good starting point if you want to make own gui system. Compile with cmd: gcc ceGUI.cpp -o cegui -lalleg -lalfont-My old gui. Wrote when I was 15. Good starting point if you want to make own gui system. Compile with c
- DS Game Maker Pro v3.1 (with crack) With DS Game Maker, you can make all sorts of 2-dimensional games using just your mouse and keyboard. Even though it is simple and logical to use, DS Game Maker allows you to make appealing games with animated gr
- 女神转生的复活脚本 需要注意的事是要自己做图 ,否则会停在寻找相似图片的步骤上-Megami Tensei resurrection thing to note is the scr ipt should make their own maps, otherwise they will stop looking for pictures of steps similar to
- 用四叉树实现了LOD地形的绘制,当然,是四叉树,如果有需要了解的话,或者是想要做场景管理开发的话,建议必备,呵呵!其他的就不多说啦!代码才是真功夫!祝下载者体验愉快吧!-Use quadtree realized LOD terrain rendering, of course, is quad-tree, and if there is a need to know about it, or want to make scene, necessary management developmen
- 2D游戏引擎 Make sure to first read the overview information at http://angel2d.com -- it contains a good rundown of what Angel is and, more importantly, what it is not. Calibrating your expectations can save a lot of heartache later. :-)-2D game engine
- 开发计算机游戏充满了挑战性,需要开发人员具备大量的技能,富有奉献和创新精神。本书向读者介绍了如何将自身的技能与一些基本的C++编程技能结合起来,开发出自己的游戏。本书涵盖了游戏开发过程和方方面面,书中以一个名为Straned的第一人称射击游戏开发过程为主题展开介绍,首先介绍了DirectX 和Direct3D图形学,然后逐章介绍了游戏引擎和完整游戏的开发过程。主要内容涉及到基本的图形学技术、最基本的数学知识、碰撞检测和响应、声音回放、场景管理、动画以及模型/角色的加载和绘制。 一旦读者开
- version 0.5: + Deep reorganization of the code: - Created the business objects in PHP (e.g. Character, Player, Map) - All procedural code was transformed into methods of its respective classes - Added a database layer (Data Access Objec
- When you want to make games on internet or website. You are tried about Leaning C or C++ Language and new engine or SDK. This book are help you easy way to making games on website, notting read a Bold book . this book are completely and easy to under