- aft传世引擎,目前最流行的引擎!!! aft传世引擎,目前最流行的引擎-aft engine, the most popular engine! ! ! Masterpieces aft engine, the most popular engine!
- This is a Win32 build of wxWidgets 2.6.2 for VC6, VC7.1, and VC8. wxWidgets is an open source GUI library. See http://wxWidgets.org for more information. You can download the source code for wxWidgets from http://wxwidgets.org/downld2.htm The G3
- Stendhal is a full fledged multiplayer online adventures game (MMORPG) developed using the Arianne game development system. -Stendhal is a full fledged multiplayer onl produced mostly in developed areas adventures game (MMORPG) developed using t he A
- 3D Game ngine Design A Practical Approach to Real Time Computer Graphics 一书附赠的源代码-3D Game Design A Practical Approach t o Real Time Computer Graphics book comes with a source code
- 很好的引擎!HGE is an easy to use yet powerful hardware accelerated 2D game engine. It is a full featured middleware for all who want to develop commercial quality 2D games rapidly and easily. It covers all imaginable 2D game genres: you could create
- 一个PocketPC平台MD游戏模拟器picodrive的源代码. Make sure you have Microsoft Visual C++ installed (I use 6.0 myself). Make sure you have Embedded Visual C++ 3.0 installed (4.0 isn t too great). Find ARMASM.EXE and copy it to the \"Cyclone\" directory (or
- 虚幻引擎3(UnrealEngine3)源代码,包含编辑器和引擎部分的源代码。比较完整。,Unreal Engine3 Complete Source code.
- JAVA开源游戏引擎。 Golden T Game Engine (GTGE) is a cross-platform game engine written in Java. Easy to learn, simple to use, compact, and free!,JAVA open-source game engine. Golden T Game Engine (GTGE) is a cross-platform game engine written in Java.Easy
- This example shows you how to use IrrPhysx in a hopefully sensible way, read through the source and comments to understand the advice and feel free to post questions if you don t understand something.
- Are you interested in learning how to write your own game engines? With "3D Game Engine Programming" you can do just that. You ll learn everything you need to know to build your own game engine as a tool that is kept strictly separate from any specif
- IndieLib is a c++ 2.5d engine for game development and fast game prototyping in a really easy way. Internally it uses Direct3d for hardware acceleration, but doesn t use DirectDraw or ID3DXSprite, it directly draws textures on polygons. The engine is
- Initial code for the book T Barron Programming strategy games
- 魔兽世界军衔系统,适用于T端开发,3.3.3版本,客户端要求12484-wowfff
- Introduction This documentation is meant as an introduction to Angel, but also serves as a small intro into basic game architecture. If you re a beginner, don t be off-put by the advanced stuff. If you re experienced, don t be patronized by the beg
- Ini adalah cheat untuk para gamers t-Ini adalah cheat untuk para gamers tolol
- work in progress game. It sucks. and it doesn t work.
- 没改完的飞尔,版权大家可以忽略了。 新沙城,新界面(未完善)。 登陆器\配制器\英雄登陆器配制器 图标还没换-Don t change the fly s, copyright, you can ignore. The new charge, the new interface (not perfect). Landers \ preparation unit \ hero landers preparation machine icon haven t chan
- D3D TileDemo的例子 用DIRECTX3D渲染2.5D图形地图的例子,共有5个例子,1~4是用VC6编写,第5个地图例子是用VS2005编写的,地图素材用的是红警游戏里的沙漠地图来演示.-D3D TileDemo Examples --------------------- All of these were written in Visual C++ 5 Professional. It also compiles with Visual C++ 6, but
- 黑白棋QQ记谱工具是由嘉俊园林(www.jiajunyuanlin.com)开发的黑白棋记谱工具,由最初的版本更新到了004版本。 1. 解压到硬盘目录,请不要放在桌面。 2. 本软件只需你在下棋前打开即可,可多次退出登录游戏,直到你不想再记录棋谱,关闭它。 3. 完成一盘之后,会在相同目录自动生成棋谱 文本文件。 4. 此工具已经去掉了广告。-Black and white QQ pro tools is developed by jia tuan garde
- 中文unity3D脚本,很实用的脚本,适合新手-i don t know what is