- 4个数,加符号算出结果24的游戏,微软曾经面试题,用计算机求解,又详细过程。-Number 4, plus 24 symbols calculated results of the game, Microsoft face questions and use computers to solve. Also detailed process.
- 小游戏,角色跳跃,通过键盘控制实现角色在遇到障碍物时的跳跃过程。-Games, role-jumping, the role of the keyboard controls in the face of obstacles to achieve the hopping process.
- 魔方仿真。实现一个魔方程序,屏幕上分两部分分别显示魔方六面体的三面,使用上下方向键可以选择要移动的行或者列,使用左右方向键可以转动该行或者列,使用回车键可以将魔方复原,按空格键可以随意移动。-Rubik' s Cube simulation. Program to achieve a Rubik' s cube on the screen showed the Rubik' s Cube in two parts of three six-sided face, using t
- 实现一个笑脸在屏幕上从左上角往右下角移动-The realization of a smiling face in the upper left to lower right corner of the screen to move from
- 一个双人对抗的小游戏,对面向结构和面向对象的学习都有帮助。-A double against little game, to the face structure and object oriented learning all help.
- 仓鼠球 这是一款平衡球类的休闲小游戏,换面非常卡通,色彩斑斓,犹如置身于一个缤纷的玩具世界。游戏虽然很小,但游戏性、耐玩性却极高,非常挑战控制能力,以及考验平衡感。游戏关卡设计极其有趣丰富,能让人一直保持新鲜感。-Hamster ball is a balance ball games, casual games, change the face very cartoon, colorful, like being in a colorful world of toys. Despite its
- 扫地雷游戏,随机生成地雷书,通过鼠标操作玩游戏,不接受键盘,按任继建结束程序,单机屏幕上的笑脸可以重新开始游戏,所有地雷标出后胜利,当鼠标左键单击到地雷时失败。-Mine sweeping game, randomly generated mine books, play games via the mouse, the keyboard does not accept, either by following the smiley face on the end of the program
- 这款软件可以让你的生活更加乐观向上,显著改变你自己都意识不到的苦瓜脸,具有活动脸部,抗疲劳,抗衰老的神奇功效,让青春永驻,魅力暴涨-happy face
- 卡牌遊戲 -ios應用程式 牌面上有16張牌,一次翻一張,翻到兩張同花色或同數字就攤開,得分。不一樣就會在蓋起來。-Card games - ios app card face 16 cards, a turn one, turn two figures with the same suit or spread, to score. Will not the same as the cover up.