- 使用VB开发的一个小球撞墙壁游戏,很多手机的屏保就是这样的。-use of the VB one ball hit the wall games, a lot of phone screensaver is the case.
- 程序开始运行时显示一个迷宫地图,迷宫中央有一老鼠。迷宫的右下方有一粮仓。游戏任务是使用键盘上的方向键操纵老鼠在规定的时间内走到粮仓处。为了增加游戏的趣味性,在迷宫的路上设置若干门,一次通过后即锁上(变为墙)。 程序应使用SDI结构,有建立、修改和存储迷宫地图等功能。-started running shows a map of the maze, the labyrinth is a central rats. The lower right corner of the maze is a
- robocode advoid 避墙基础源代码,-robocode advoid avoid Wall source code,
- 程序目的: 输入一个任意大小的迷宫,用栈求出一条走出迷宫的路径,并 显示在屏幕上。 程序实现: 可以实现载入迷宫和保存迷宫,附带文件中有4个测试迷宫路径的 文件test1~4.dd。请将这些文件拷贝到TC当前目录下,或者在载 入时写明完全路径。由于屏幕大小的限制,当用户自己输入迷宫 时一定要注意:迷宫大小是有限制的,不小于4*3,不大于30*20。 否则会出现错误信息。输入开始时全是墙,用上下左右键移动, 用Del键删除墙,形成通路,用Enter键添加墙。输入结束时可以 将迷宫保存下来,以dd为
- 一些ROBOCODE的源码例子,包括因素避墙,圆周瞄准等-ROBOCODE the source of some examples, including the factors to avoid the wall, aiming circle, etc.
- 推箱子小游戏,本程序包括5个模块,(1)初始化模块,包括屏幕初始化和游戏每一关的初始化。(2)画图模块。该模块主要被其他模块调用,用于画墙、在空地画箱子、在目的地画箱子、画小人和画目的地。(3)移动箱子模块。该模块用于移动箱子,包括目的地之间、空地之间和目的地与空地之间的箱子移动。(4)移动小人模块。该模块用于控制小人移动,从而推动箱子到目的地。(5)功能控制模块。该模块是几个功能函数的集合,包括屏幕输出功能、指定位置状态判断功能和关卡重置功能。-Sokoban game, the proces
- 一种游戏(由c语言编写的代码):蛇吃到食物就会得分,撞到墙则游戏结束;食物会随机出现。-A game (from c language code): Snake eat food will score, hit the wall, then the game is over food will randomly appear.
- 用C语言编写的贪吃蛇小游戏,初学和teammate一起完成的,程序比较简单。 此贪吃蛇的主要特点是: 1.可以自主选择速度。 2.蛇可以穿墙过。 -Written in C language with the Snake game, and teammate with the complete beginner, the program is relatively simple. The Snake The main features are: 1. You can choose
- 一个用java语言写的贪食蛇游戏的代码,与普通贪食蛇游戏的不同在于它的食物分为了几个等级,然后每个等级获得的奖励不一样,有穿墙和穿身两种奖励。-Written in a language with a Snake game java code, different from ordinary Snake game is that it is divided into several levels of food, then get the awards for each grade are di
- 一条蛇,在吃果子的同时会变长,爬行速度变快,撞到墙壁则游戏结束,撞到自己身体也游戏结束-A snake, eating fruit at the same time will become long, crawling faster, hit the wall of the end of the game, hit his body but also the game is over
- 一条蛇,在吃果子的同时会变长,爬行速度变快,撞到墙壁则游戏结束,撞到自己身体也游戏结束-A snake, eating fruit at the same time will become long, crawling faster, hit the wall of the end of the game, hit his body but also the game is over
- 一条蛇,在吃果子的同时会变长,爬行速度变快,撞到墙壁则游戏结束,撞到自己身体也游戏结束-A snake, eating fruit at the same time will become long, crawling faster, hit the wall of the end of the game, hit his body but also the game is over
- 自己制作的贪吃蛇WIN窗体程序,开始时可以调节速度,回字型墙壁,蛇变长同时变色,适合初学者研究。-Snake WIN form to produce their own programs, you can adjust the speed of the beginning, back to the font wall, while the snake longer color, suitable for beginners to study.
- 一个简单的弹球游戏,小球碰壁是自动反弹回来,采用了多线程的方法-A simple pinball game, the ball hitting the wall is automatically bounce back, with a multi-threaded approach
- 只有一关,蛇可以吃东西,撞到墙(四周)或者是自身会死亡-A snake can eat food, hit the wall or self will die
- 用java编写的贪吃蛇游戏,实现了蛇吃蛋和变长的功能,当蛇碰到墙或自身的话,游戏结束-Snake game written using java, snake eggs and achieve a longer functions, or when the snake touched the wall itself, the game ends
- 基于win ce的贪吃蛇游戏的开发 . 起初贪吃蛇蛇身为1节,贪吃蛇按照原来的方向行进直到通过按键改变贪吃蛇的行进方向。 在屏幕上绘制贪吃蛇,在他们的四周绘制四面墙和障碍物,蛇身在行进的过程中不能碰到墙壁和障碍物,碰到则游戏结束,提示是否重新开始,按确认键重新开始。若能保持不碰墙过1分钟则完成游戏,提示游戏是否重新开始,按确认键则重新开始。 -Based on the win ce snake game development. At first the snake as sn
- 贪吃蛇,实现得分及吃及一般要求的功能如转头和撞墙。-Snake, realize the score and eat and general required functions such as turned and against the wall .
- 贪吃蛇游戏是一个深受人们喜爱的游戏,一条蛇在密闭的围墙内,在围墙内随机出现一个食物,通过按键盘上的四个光标键控制蛇向上下左右四个方向移动。-Snake game is a very popular game, a snake in a closed wall, the walls appear randomly a food move to the four directions, four cursor keys on your keyboard to control the snake
- 利用所给Face类画三个脸,添加move方法,以便能移动脸,添加flinch和unflinch方法使眼睛能闭合、睁开,最后完成一个动画程序:脸在窗口内移动,碰壁反弹 -Face class to draw three face, adding the move methods, in order to be able to move the face to add flinch and unflinch of eyes closed, opened, and finally complete