- This an attempt to create an application which captures Live video from a Video capture device and USB attached WebCam all together in the same application. While developing my project, I needed to capture the video from various video devices includi
- The KOM(S) Streaming System provides a server, a client, and a proxy cache for audio/video streaming. The first and foremost encoding format that we use is MPEG-1 System. The primary platforms is Linux. It does not handle data in pull mode (Fil
- MCIWnd is a window class for controlling multimedia devices. A library of functions, messages, and macros associated with MCIWnd provides a simple method to add multimedia playback or recording capabilities to your applications. The MCIWnd Windo
- Here s where to find things: - The documentation is located in docs\\readme.rtf and can be read with WordPad, MS Word, etc. - A descr iption of what has changed since the last version can be found in WhatsNew.txt. - A retail build of the lib
- MHPbox-0.0-A0.zipMHPbox project is an open source implementation of MHP (Multimedia Home Platform). MHP is the open middleware designed by the DVB 欧洲标准 DVB 数字电视的中间件MHP 源代码 Project that is being used in digital TVs. MHPbox will turn your PC in a
- 本录音软件实现了传统录音软件的基本功能,具体功能如下 : 1〉录音:点击开始录音按钮后开始录音,同时将所录内容存于Recording\\bin文件夹下。用户可以直接打开聆听。 2〉暂停,继续:录音过程中可以进行暂停,继续功能,界面上面都会给出对应的状态显示。 3〉停止录音:如果在录音过程中需要终止(比如:所需内容已经录完,但被录文件还没有结束,则可以通过停止录音按钮结束录音),按结束录音按钮后,文件不会被删除,在下一次录音时被自动清除,下一次录音开始之前,用户可以任意使用所录文
- dmb-th 白皮书,数字电视开发必备文档
- 这是根据国标数字电视地面传输(DMB-TH)附录1给出的数据生成的完整的G矩阵
- 国标数字电视标准,可用于液晶电视,机顶盒,或手持设备-GB digital TV standards, can be used in LCD TVs, set-top boxes or handheld devices
- 功能列表= mmwrite(文件名,选择... ...) mmwrite是能写的AVI,WMV,的WMA,ASF文件。对于AVI文件,您可以选择从现有的编解码器压缩的音频和视频流。 对于WMV,WMA和ASF的编码默认为16位的Windows Media 9率为44100Hz立体声为98%质量的音频和Windows媒体视频9 98 质量。质量可以指定音频和视频。 环绕声,似乎只与AVI和多通道编码不支持。编写任何其他文件类型不支持。本使用Win