- Read WAV file,get its data format and normalized data
- 接收网络送来的PCM数据,送到声卡上播放,和SendReceive结合使用,用来测试不错-receive PCM data from net , and send it to play , combine it with SendReceive ,you will get more use
- MPEG Audio Info Tool V2.2 可以显示 MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG2.5 文件中的所有信息,最重要的是支持 VBRI 格式,这对了解各种格式的音频文件的结构有很大的帮助。,MPEG Audio Info Tool V2.2 Descr iption: This tool can display information about MPEG audio files. It supports MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG2.5 in all t
- 通过调用waveopen 函数获取pcm格式的声音文件的声道波形及其动量音量显示-Waveopen by calling the function to get the pcm format sound files and their momentum volume channel waveform display
- 本源程序是基于matlab实现了音乐信号处理中的恒Q变换(Constant Q Transformation)并得到频谱矩阵和语谱图-This Code is based on the matlab, being executed for the musical signal processing by using the CQT(Constant Q Transformation)and finally get the frequecy Information
- 首先通过几个已知的音频时钟,经过本程序处理后,可以得到音频的左右声道时钟。-First, through several known audio clock, and with this procedure, you can get the left and right audio channel clock.
- C#获取WAVE文件 头信息源码(通过编程获取wave的文件头信息并通过界面显示出来)-C# for WAVE file header information source(Get wave file through programming header information is displayed through the interface)
- Those who deal with voiceprints and prompts often should have prerecorded waves for testing/development, and sometimes you want to output a "joined wave", and even more better - get it dynamically. This article tries to solve this problem and create
- This article is aimed at showing how to get to know DirectMusic programming. Especially, I will concentrate on how to play synthesized files, that is, MIDI files. Musical Instrument Device Interface (shortly MIDI) is used to create (compose) and play
- {pudn首发+绝对精品}我在整个互联网上辛苦搜寻了一个星期,终于在一位同仁那里得到了这个控件。=======这个控件可以控制系统级别的麦克风音量、侦听麦克风并保存声音,还可以方便地控制系统音量、录音、甚至转换录音格式。我相信一定有很多和我一样为了实现以上功能折腾了很久,现在我率先找到了,不用说,赶紧发上来-{Pudn first character} I guarantee this thing is absolutely fine, I search the entire hard on t
- Library demonstrating how to change/get the samplerate of audio data.
- 可以获取或者设置声卡的属性,比如声音的大小,声道的个数等。-Can get or set the properties of the sound card, such as the size of the sound, the number of channels.
- Alvas.Audio allows C# and VB.Net developers to create applications that play, record, edit and convert sound. Key Features: record/play uncompressed and compressed audio data play mixed audio data record/play data to/from the stream set up mixer cont
- 一套音频的解码器,包括很多的算法,比较难懂的一个东西,也很难得,给大家作参考-An audio decoder, including many of the algorithms, more difficult to understand one thing, it is difficult to get, we make reference to
- 早期写的在线音乐播放器,分析和读取百度音乐地址来获取在线音乐,此版仅供学习参考研究之用(由于是以前写的已无法分析最新页面,需自行调整代码)-Written in the early online music player, and read Baidu music address to get online music, this version is only for research purposes of learning and reference (previously written
- 没有经过改进的,最原始的KMP,在C下运行成功并得到正确结果!-Not improved, the most primitive KMP, C run successfully and get the right result!
- 语音通话已经是IM的基本功能了,qq,MSN甚至连刚出来的百度HI都自带语音聊天的功能,大家可能觉得很炫,其实大家都是用的windows平台上的API,懂了原理之后自己也可以做,再说了微软也提供了DirectSound的托管互操作程序集,使.net开发人员也很容易的介入到这个领域,甚至你还可以写一个能跑在window mobile上的语音电话,现在好多手机都支持wifi,这样一个简单的wifi电话就由你的手里诞生了。本帖来和大家一起看看如何来做网络电话。-After the voice call
- 一个音频读取,麦克风读取语音的源码,适合研究各种外部硬件使用PC获取语音的源码-A microphone audio reading, read the speech source code, suitable for hardware of various external use PC to get the voice source
- 变采样和多相滤波器的实现。本程序实现了一个变采样程序,中间设计滤波器设计和插值抽取。其中滤波器设计用的是窗函数法,根据要求设计窗函数,得到窗函数的长度。接着是插值,滤波,抽取,得到最后变采样之后的波形文件、另外对比了用直接卷积和多相分解卷积两种方法最后的结果。 -Implementation of variable sampling and polyphase filter. This procedure implements a variable sampling procedures,
- The prologic extract compressed 4 channel in stereo mode. You can get center channel by adding Lt + Rt. And surround channel also can be recovered.