- Ogg Vorbis Codec for MSACM,可以用于VirtualDub,Premiere等软件的ACM(音频压缩管理器)面板中支持Ogg Vorbis音频的编解码。 安装方法:解压后用鼠标右键单击vorbisacm.inf文件,选择“安装”。 卸载方法:鼠标右键单击uninstall.inf文件,选择“安装”。 Installation: Right click \"vorbisacm.inf\" and select \"install\" from the co
- Full Duplex voip application source code - 29.8 Kb Download Echo Receiver source code - 14.1 Kb Use these code-programs when debugging and testing Full Duplex application on the same PC, without internet connection. This software receives your packet
- Full Duplex voip application source code - 29.8 Kb Download Echo Receiver source code - 14.1 Kb Use these code-programs when debugging and testing Full Duplex application on the same PC, without internet connection. This software receives your packet
- In this article I ll show you how to add Text-to-Speech (TTS) capabilities to your program. You ll be able to do it with, essentially, 1 line of code, using the familiar standard ostream syntax.-In this article I ll show you how to add Text-to-S
- 包含对mp3的封装,原下载地址是http://www.codeproject.com/KB/audio-video/RecordingAndMP3Encoding.aspx-Have you ever tried to write something for recording sound from the sound card and encoding it in MP3 format? Not interesting? Well, to make stuff more interesting
- Frequency Analyzer: There is a white vertical line moving from left to right. It leaves behind a colorful trace. The colors correspond to the intensities of various components of the sound. For instance, if you whistle into the microphone a pure sine