- 基于 OFDM的高速遥传电缆调制解调器设计 基于 OFDM的高速遥传电缆调制解调器设计-Abstract : In order to meet t he demand of high data volume for imaging tool s , a cable Modulator/ De2 modulator is investigated and developed since it is t he key to any high2speed cable t ransmission s
- 简单使用webrtc ns去噪模块的使用,demo是16k采样率的demo,可简单修改试用。(webrtc ns 1.int WebRtcNs_Create(NsHandle** NS_inst)2.int WebRtcNs_Init(NsHandle* NS_inst, uint32_t fs) 3.int WebRtcNs_set_policy(NsHandle* NS_inst, int mode) 4.int WebRtcNs_Process(NsHandle* NS_inst,s