- i writing an free losless audio coder, faster on old 486 than flac or ape decoding on pentium 233 MHz !!! the program working, and compression ratio is equal to flac / ape ... On pentium 233 MHz flac decompress time is 26 sec of enya_.w
- 此为Java声音播放程序源代码,用Java播放声音的实例小程序,初学者代码,简单实用,要知原理,请下载源码研究。 -This is a simple java code for audio player.it is fit for a junior programmer to study this subjet,
- 具有简单录音功能的软件的源代码,希望对有需要的编程人员有点帮助-With simple recording functions of the software source code, the programmer needs a little help
- cd光盘的操作与信息提取单元,已经封装成对象。-a unit to help programmer to access information of CD, wrapped to a class.