- MPEG Menu System Version2是一个用于dxr3目录系统。它支持电影和音频回放,并能用 Lirc从远程控件中很容易的控制。-MPEG Version2 Menu System is a system for dxr3 directory. Its support for the film and audio playback, and can use remote controls from Lirc very easily controlled.
- Mpeg4技术及其商业前景 很好的一个说明资料 第一次上传-Mpeg4 technology and its good business prospects in a note to the first upload information
- libmad 是一款相当不错的mpeg音频解码器.其支持多种处理器,特别指出的是,由于代码实现中未使用浮点运算,对没有浮点运算单元的处理器上其效果特别突出.-libmad is a pretty good mpeg audio decoder. Its support for multiple processors, Of particular note is that the code does not achieve the use of floating-point operations.
- 把ANSI编码的文本文件转换为LRC文件,可以用mp3播放器来看小说 附带的SRC.MP3文件是我专门转换的音质最低的mp3文件.如果你的mp3是可以调节播放速度的,建议把它调到了最慢,而LRC的间隔时间则尽量短.这样可以节省空间。-put ANSI text files encoded into LRC document can be used mp3 players look at the fringe SRC.MP3 novels document is devoted to the co
- LRC编辑器核心代码,里面有2个文件,需要自己去web上下载.-LRC editor core code, which has two documents, it needs its own web to download.
- 我找的java_MP3播放器代码和其调用lib代码可以算5个不,光算包的话比较多,可以运行,效果可以,lib里应该有解码算法的具体部分,-java_MP3 player code and its call lib code can not count five. Optical packet count so much, can run, the effect can lib Lane should have specific decoding algorithm, thank you
- 很好的一个播放其 共享 编码语言 vb-a good share of its broadcast coded language vb
- 很好的一个播放其 共享 编码语言 vb-a good share of its broadcast coded language vb
- 很好的一个播放其 共享 编码语言 vb-a good share of its broadcast coded language vb
- I ve never managed to get the Mega128 TWI (two wire interface, also called I2C) interface working totally satisfactorily. It seems to require some \"magic numbers\" I suspect it does some wierd clocking tricks which results in strange waveforms
- There is a sea of conditional compile directives in the source, because of its multi-platform compiling. It was designed to be compileable on both Linux, Windows and the DSP of course. As a result, it can be quite difficult to browse some parts of th
- rtbuf.c is an implementation of a buffering scheme using the POSIX realtime features. Its aim is to provide smooth playback of MPEG audio streams even on a very heavily loaded machine. It uses many advanced features of the operating system: -
- This implementation creates three processes: - The command line parse/control process. It runs continuously as root. - The MPEG decode/playback process. It revokes root rights as soon as it has enabled the realtime features, to minimize the ri
- Winamp输入模块编写详解声明:1. 这篇文章所提及Winamp为NullSoft公司Winamp2.X系列产品,该系列产品版权完全由NullSoft公司所有,如果文章任何地方侵犯了您的版权,敬请来函告知。2. 本文所涉及源代码并未经过测试,本人不保证其正确性和稳定性,如果对您的计算机及数据造成任何破坏性影响,本人概不负责。3. 如果未经过NullSoft公司的许可,擅自发布使用Winamp专用插件的应用程序,将不受到法律的保护,并可能受到NullSoft公司的指控。4. 如果文中的讲解或代码
intel hex格式
- LCD 仿真器一、概述 LCD仿真器是一种电子产品的辅助开发工具。目前LCD(液晶屏)在各种电子产品的使用越来越广泛,开发人员在开发带LCD的产品时会用到各种各样的LCD,这些LCD或是现有的,或是定制,现有的LCD不一定能完全满足设计需要,定制LCD需要时间,需要资金,做好后还有修改的可能性,造成不必要的浪费。传统的做法是用LED(发光管)+驱动电路来仿真LCD,其弊端有四,一、电路复杂,功耗大,100多点的LCD电流将达1A左右。二、图案逼真性差,不直观。三、制作、修改困难,灵活性差
- 利用API函数[mciSendString]可以轻松实现MP3音乐文件的播放。下面这段程序实现了MP3播放的大部分常规操作,对其稍加修改,做一个100KB大小的MP3播放器轻而易举 启动VB程序,在窗体上放置6个命令按钮,三个标签,一个公用对话框、一个进度条、一个状态栏和一个计时器,窗本的布置请参考附图 按钮-use API function [mciSendString] can easily MP3 music player. Below this program of the MP3 pl
- libmad库及其详细应用代码,通过此压缩包可以详细的了解libmad的接口及应用方法,libmad library and its detailed application code, the passage of this package can be libmad detailed understanding of the interface and application methods
- s1clone是克隆,备份,修复炬力MP3软件工具。 这里提供其源代码-s1clone is a recovery tool for the actions/wilson s1mp3 player firmware. Use it to backup and/or repair Your player Now we give its source code.
- 主要采用C语言解复用出视频段、音频段以及数据段的相关复用内容,并将其里面的数据储存在结构体数组里,以供其他模块使用。-Mainly uses the C language demultiplexing a video segment, audio segment, and data re-use the contents of the relevant section, and its inside structure of data stored in an array of years, f
- 浅议MPEG7标准及其应用 主要从MPEG-7标准与MPEG-1 , MPEG-2, MPEG-4标准的关系、MPEG-7标准的目标、 MPEG一标准的构成要素等方面、分析与概述了MPEG-7 标准的技术内容,并从MPEG-7标准的Pull类应用和 Push类应用两方面介绍了MPEG-7标准的应用情况. -On the standard and its application MPEG7 from MPEG-7 standard and MPEG-1, MPEG-2, M