- 《Visual C++ 视频音频开发实用工程案例精选》配套光盘中的内容, 编译代码需要Windows XP及其以上的版本,运行程序需要数字电视卡。同时需要安装DirectX 9。-"Video Audio Visual C develop practical projects selected cases" supporting the CD, compiled code and requires Windows XP version of the above, the op
- 自己找的资料做的mp3的FFT分析,用来分析音乐的高中低频部分,然后用于一个项目,根据音乐的节奏来自动控制该项目。-it is about the frequency analysis of music with mp3 format,and is applied in the auto-control projects by the Treble and Bass of music.
- 著名的转码工具ffmpeg的一部分,成功实现对H.264的高清晰转码,VC的工程-Well-known part of ffmpeg transcoding tool to successfully achieve the high-definition H.264 transcoding, VC projects
- mpeg2转avi源代码,用vc编写,适合初学者研究,并可用于实际项目中。-mpeg2 to avi source code, with vc the preparation, suitable for beginners studies, can be used for actual projects.
- Avidemux是一个免费的视频编辑器,可以进行剪切、过滤和编码等任务。它支持广泛的文件格式,包括AVI文件的编辑,DVD的MPEG文件、MP4和ASF,并能将声音从文件中分解出来。支持强大的队列任务处理和脚本功能。-A video editor and encoder which can edit, encode, requantize MPEG and AVI, including DivX AviDemux is a video editor and encoder which can
- 1.Create a new project in Visual Studio 2.Add the existing projects Shell and Core which can be found under the WindowsAPICodePack\shell and WindowsAPICodePack\core folders 3.Add a reference to the above projects and import the following namesp
- 开发工程必备资料,嵌入式编程,windows编程等很有用的资料-Essential information on development projects, embedded programming, windows programming and other useful information
- 基于LM3S8962开发的MP3项目,TI提供标准库函数供调用。-MP3 LM3S8962-based development projects, TI provides a standard library functions for the call.
- MPEG4IP Project The MPEG4IP project provides a standards-based system for encoding, streaming, and playing encoded audio, video and text. To achieve this we ve integrated a number of existing open source packages, and created some original code to
- AAC编码器的matlab实现,可以导出AAC编码中间过程的系数-Usage: Take a wav file (44100, Mono) and name it as original_input.wav or change name in main_aacencoder.m. 1. Open the file main_aacencoder.m to encode original_input.wav in ADTS AAC format. 2. Run the f
- 附件中的窗体可以单独作为一个小软件使用,也可以添加到自编的播放器中。ID3V2 的标签项目太多,我只选择了其中最常用的 8 项,当然,你如有兴趣,可以自行添加项目(ID3V2 最大长度可达 256M)。本代码自动识别并转换 UTF-8 编码,不过,由于有的 ID3V2 信息使用了 UTF-16LE或UTF-16BE 或 ISO-8859-1编码,显示出来仍然是乱码,这几种编码我都没有涉猎,无法转换。 关于 ID3V1 和 ID3V2 信息的详情,请参看我以前发表的《mp3文件的数据结
- MPEG2Lib can decode MPEG2 encoded video sequences like the ones found on a DVD or the disk in a typical harddisk video recorder. The decoder is based on the GPL project DVD2AVI (arbor.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~jackei/dvd2avi/) and MPEG2Decode from MPEG
- FFmpeg是一个自由软件,可以运行音频和视频多种格式的录影、转换、流功能1,包含了libavcodec ─这是一个用于多个项目中音频和视频的解码器库,以及libavformat——一个音频与视频格式转换库。(FFmpeg is a free software that runs audio and video multiple formats of video, conversion, and stream function 1, including libavcodec - a decode