- I ve never managed to get the Mega128 TWI (two wire interface, also called I2C) interface working totally satisfactorily. It seems to require some \"magic numbers\" I suspect it does some wierd clocking tricks which results in strange waveforms
- Xvid(旧称为XviD)是一个开放源代码的MPEG-4视频编解码器,它是基于OpenDivX而编写的。Xvid是由一群原OpenDivX义务开发者在OpenDivX于2001年7月停止开发后自行开发的。Xvid支持多种编码模式,量化(Quantization)方式和范围控,运动侦测(Motion Search)和曲线平衡分配(Curve),动态关键帧距(I-frame interval),心理视觉亮度修正,演职员表选项,外部自定义控制,运动向量加速(Hinted ME)编码,画面优化解码等众多
- Internet Radio Player. Open Source. Complete Project. Built for Windows, Linux and MacOS(universal bin). Help files built with Help N Doc application. Has many features: Audio Scope, Records in .mp3, .acc, .wav, etc. Uses QT 4.7.3 and Bass Audio Libr