- graspForth is my humble attempt at a Forth-in-C that has the following goals: GCC ......... to support all 32-bit micros that GCC cross-compiles to. Relocatable . to be able to run in-place in either Flash or Ram. Fast ........ to be \"not m
- motorola ezx平台的一个非官方的开发包,可以用来开发ezx native的软件。-platform of a non-government development kits, can be used to develop ezx native software.
- 使用native图形引擎的数据结构和fb(Framebuffer)的驱动程序
Programming MMC in Native Mode
- TI5509A-DSP MMC卡编程指南-TI5509A-DSP Programming Guide MMC
5509 MMC in Native Mode
- 5509 MMC in Native Mode
- nRF905开发套件, 包括原理图,51下位机代码,上位机全套代码-nRF905 development kit Including schematics, under 51-bit native code, a full set of codes PC
- LDmicro是梯形图编辑器,仿真器和编译器为8位微控制器。它可以产生爱特梅尔AVR和Microchip PIC16的系列CPU从梯形图到本地代码。-LDmicro is a ladder logic editor, simulator and compiler for 8-bit microcontrollers. It can generate native code for Atmel AVR and Microchip PIC16 CPUs from a ladder diagr
- 已建成的Arduino硬件引脚0和1(也通过USB连接到电脑)的串行通信的支持.-The Arduino hardware has built-in support for serial communication on pins 0 and 1 (which also goes to the computer via the USB connection). The native serial support happens via a piece of hardware (built int
- SQLite最新版本3.7.11,在VS2005基于WINCE6.0平台上编译通过,并应用于实现项目中。在VS2005中打开时需要安装TQ2440A SDK 。也可以编辑项目文件,将其修改为本机已安装的SDK平台。-SQLite latest version 3.7.11, in the VS2005-based the WINCE6.0 platforms, compiler, and applied to achieve the project. Opened in VS2005 insta
- SPI communications for ATmega128/ATmega2560 (native SPI and UART in SPI-mode).
- 用51单片机串口及595制作16X56LED显示屏(土产)-With 51 and 595 produced single-chip serial 16X56LED display (native)
- 随着信息化、 智能化、 网络化的发展 ,嵌入式技术已经成为通信和消费类产品的共同发展方向。简要介绍嵌入 式操作系统 Windows CE ,同时对 Windows CE下两种基本的驱动开发模型本机设备驱动程序和流接口驱动程序进行重点 说明。在了解两种模型的基础上 ,以基于 S3C2440 处理器的 UART0 驱动程序开发为例 ,详细介绍嵌入式操作系统 Win2 dows CE下流接口设备驱动开发的具体过程-With the development of information ,i
- F28335DSP的ad-dma程序,实现了288335自带AD采样后讲数据传输给DMA-F28335DSP of the ad-dma program, achieved the 288,335 native speakers, after AD sampled data to DMA
- 这是一个比较简单的通过硬件完成的程序,实现的是通过键盘输入,然后在液晶显示器上显示的程序,内容包含了上位机代码,下位机代码,硬件原理图,PCD图~-This is a relatively simple procedure done by the hardware to realize is that through the keyboard input, and then displayed on the LCD monitor program contains a host computer
- EWSAM8-EV-310A 及注册机,三星C开发环境IAR-C的安装方法 1.运行压缩包中的iarkg all,点击Get ID 将产生硬盘ID号,记着硬盘ID号0x要小些,其他要大写,接下来在[Product]栏目要选择[Embodded Workbench For Samsung SAM8 V3.10A],然后点击下面的生成按钮,即可生成在本机安装IAR-C注册用的License Numer和License Key 2.再运行EWSAM8-EV-310A.EXE安装程序,把得
- 用单片机键盘模拟播放MP3,音箱采用PC机自带的。按下键盘1,播放音乐1,按下键盘2,播放音乐2。按下键盘前,VB界面上弹出滚动屏,显示欢迎词,欢迎学生单片机。-Simulate the keyboard player with MCU MP3, using PC-native speakers. Press the keyboard 1, play music, one, two by pressing the keyboard, play music, 2. Press the keyboa
- 1、CCS2.2以上版本的CCS已经包含了XDS560pci请直接使用CCS自带的驱动。 2、安装CCS2.0和CCS2.1请运行本光盘“drivers\ccs2.1”目录下“setup560_ccs2.1.exe”安装560pci的CCS支持文件。 3、请详细阅读按照DOC中的文档进行驱动安装。-1, CCS2.2 above version of the CCS has been included XDS560pci please use the CCS native driver.
- 此为我们组在09年全国电设做的数字幅频均衡器的基于周立功ARM1138的代码,主要文件为里面的FIR.c(数字IIR滤波)和DAC904.c(DAC904的驱动)-This is our group code about amplitude-frequency based on ZLG ARM1138in 2009 native electric designequalizer ,inside the main document for the FIR.c (Digital IIR filte
- Font generator for embedded systems from any Windows native font
- Using native functions in pocket pc applications