- 最受欢迎的Joomla 社区用户管理收费插件 Community Builder 1.2 RC2 的电子书,仅提供给付费会员 Community Builder suite (CB) extends the Joomla! user management system. Key features: extra fields in profile, enhanced registration workflows, user lists, connection paths between use
- 昨天朋友在学习LibSVM的时候,问我如何在C++(Native)项目中调用动态库,当时隐隐约约只记得要指定下库文件的目录,还有库文件的名称,但是具体在哪里指定就不记得了。所以在这里写篇文章,介绍下如何在Visual Studio中创建和使用库,希望能帮助到一些人。
- Introduction Virtual Keyboard is a great tool when you can t install or use additional keyboard layouts bundled with your OS. For example, you re at the internet cafe where only En/US layout is available and you want to write some letters to your Ru
- 微软的.NET中C#2.0实现了yield return功能,这个程序教你如何在Native C++中实现它。C#在foreach中使用,C++在for里调用。这样就使得迭代器的功能更加简单,使用的时候也很方便。 -Microsoft' s. NET in C# 2.0 to achieve a yield return, this program teach you how to Native C++ to implement it. Using C# in a foreach, C
- 本书介绍如何在windows 或linux 环境下用eclipse开发iPhone应用程序。实为没有Apple MacOs 操作系统人员的有用资料。-Write native iPhone applications using Eclipse CDT. How Windows and Linux developers can bypass the iPhone SDK and write iPhone apps using open source tools.
- nptl的设计文档,英文版 The Native POSIX Thread Library for Linux-The Native POSIX Thread Library for Linux
- Java native interface Documentation
- The document details steps required for establishing connection between Java and Native code through JNI layer.
- Scan Access Now Easy (SANE) Specification 文档, LINUX/UNIX下驱动扫描仪的NATIVE方法。-Scan Access Now Easy (SANE) Specification document, LINUX/UNIX-driven scanner NATIVE under way.
- the same thins.but this one is use for deleting the logfiles which have been creating for at least 2 months
- DSP软件开发平台,适用于DSP开发,可以将C语言自动翻译成汇编语言到下位机应用-DSP software development platform for DSP development, C language can be automatically translated into assembly language to the next-bit native application
- PHP扩展模块,如何让你使用C C++进行扩展PHP原生功能不支持扩展!-Extension PHP module, to let you use the C C++ to extend PHP function does not support native extensions!
- Java Native Interface. Programmer s Guide and Specification.JNI
- Cadence公司的NC-Verilog® Simulator Help文档,内容很全面共1446页。-The Cadence® NC-Verilog® simulator is a Verilog digital logic simulator that combines the high-performance of native compiled code simulation with the accuracy, fl exibility, and
- The Q3VM is a virtual machine used by Quake III to run the game module. The VM is a sort of sandbox to limit the damage a rogue or malicious QVM program can wreak. Though not perfect, it certainly is much safer than full access to native machin
- native api doc in ntd-native api doc in ntdll
- TFT LCD code demo HARDWARE AVR mega8,16,32 BL-TFT240320PLUS. An interface can be 8/16 bit mode. TFT LCD arduino shield. SD card File APPLICATION main.c main program. scan SD card and display BMP file on lcd. readm
- Currently, the Internet consists of native IPv4 (IPv4-only), native IPv6, and IPv4/IPv6 dual networks. Unfortunately, IPv4 and IPv6 are incompatible protocols. When both IP versions are available and the users of Internet want to connect without any
- Android原生Camera应用学习总结-The Android native Camera application study summary
Science Research Writing A Guide for Non-Native Speakers of English
- Science Research Writing A Guide for Non-Native Speakers of English。英文写作必备利器,帮助撰写地道英文表达。