- STM32时钟学习笔记(2010-01-27 09:23:15)转载标签:杂谈 分类:嵌入式 在STM32中,有五个时钟源,为HSI、HSE、LSI、LSE、PLL。 ①、HSI是高速内部时钟 8M,RC振荡器,频率为8MHz。 ②、HSE是高速外部时钟,可接石英/陶瓷谐振器,或者接 外部时钟源,频率范围为4MHz~16MHz。 ③、LSI是低速内部时钟,RC振荡器,频率为40kHz。 ④、LSE是低速外部时钟,接频率为32.768kHz的石英晶体。 ⑤、PLL为锁
- This program demonstrates using an external high speed crystal // or resonator to supply ACLK and MCLK for the CPU. SMLCK is supplied by the // internal DCO. The high speed crystal or resonator connects between pins // Xin and Xout. The DCO cl
- This program demonstrates using an external 32kHz crystal to // supply ACLK, and using a high speed crystal or resonator to supply SMCLK. // MLCK for the CPU is supplied by the internal DCO. The 32kHz crystal // connects between pins Xin and Xo
- This matlab code generates DRA antennas parameters. The reference article is Computer-Aided Design and Analysis of Dielectric Resonator Antennas by Alexandre Perron
- 本设计以单片机AT89S52为切入点,通过使用AT89S52的内部的可编程定时器/计数器,结合对外接晶振的调节来确定一个合适的振荡周期,从而确定出内部的机器周期。再通过对内部中断程序的设置来设计出时钟程序,即设计出了电子时钟的核心。然后在核心电路的基础上设计出了相应的扩展电路,使本设计更加实用。(The AT89S52 single-chip design as the starting point, through the use of AT89S52 internal programmabl