- 这篇文章讲述如何应用MATLAB设计激光谐振腔,内有示例程序源码,适合初学者阅读学习-This article describes how to use MATLAB design laser resonator, there are examples of program source code, suitable for beginners to learn to read
- 基于PZT材料的压电谐振器综述,讲述PZT材料在MEMS谐振器中的应用及相关关键技术。对从事PZT器件研究的专业人士尤为有用。-Based on the the PZT the material piezoelectric resonator overview, tells the PZT material in MEMS resonators and related key technologies. Particularly useful for professionals engaged
- 围绕着如何提高石英晶体振荡器的频率稳定度,本文集中探讨了以下几个方面的工作:分析了石英谐振器的特性及其对晶体振荡器性能的影响,从而为高稳定度石英晶体振荡器中对石英晶体的选择提供了依据。分析了振荡电路基本原理,从而设计出由2N3904构成的石英晶体振荡电路,并对电路中输出电路部分及稳压部分设计中的问题进行讨论。最后,论述了恒温晶体振荡器的主要制作过程和技术指标,并对试制石英晶体振荡器样品技术性能进行了测试和分析。- Centered on how to improve the quartz cr
- Modeling of Simultaneous Switching Noise in On-Chip and Package Power Distribution Networks Using Conformal Mapping, Finite Di® erence Time Domain and Cavity Resonator Methods
- 计算Fabry Perot谐振腔引起的损耗以及对波长的选择作用,考虑入射光角度。-Fabry Perot resonator caused by calculating the loss as well as wavelength selection effect, given the angle of incident light.
- 随着汽车越来越向智能化和人性化发展,PKE 系统将会成为汽车门禁系统的主流。本文介绍了一种新的汽车智能无匙 门控系统设计方案,给出具体的软、硬件设计,并对设计中的关键技术进行详细的描述。该系统功耗低、收发距离远、可靠性及安 全性高,具有很好的应用前景。 关键词: 被动无匙门控 智能应答器 KEEL OQ 滚码编码 声表面波谐振器-With the car more to the development of intelligent and humane, PKE system wil
- All-optical switching in a laterally coupled microring resonator by carrier injection
- Ring resonator is one performance of fiber optics to be used sensor, or optical filter, and in this publication i am applied on RFOG ( ring fiber optics gyroscope )
- 高精度的石英晶体测温: 通常,我们都在使用如热电偶,热电阻,热敏电阻,半导体或集成电路传感器....来测量温度,实际上,如果利用晶体来做温度传感器,其精度就会大幅度提高! 石英晶体的振荡频率会随温度的变化而发生微小的变化,利用这一特性,通过测量石英晶体振荡器的频率,就可司接测得相应的温度值,所以石英晶体谐振器还可用来进行温度的测量。测温石英晶体谐振器就属于这一类产品,它采用玻璃外壳封装软弓线电极,分辨率可达0.01℃-0·0001℃,适合作测温敏感元件。 这里
- Dielectric resonator oscillator
- 含有左手介质双层基底的亚波长谐振腔微带天线研究-LHM layer substrate containing subwavelength resonator microstrip antenna research
- Attached file is the hfss for the RF filter simulation that uses the cylindrical resonator inside the chamber.
- This a file in PDF format that contains a presentation on research results obtained by our group on fractal shaped dielectric resonator antennas over the last decade.-This is a file in PDF format that contains a presentation on research results obtai
- 经典模拟电路仿真.包含RLC无源谐振滤波器、标准三角波发生器、跟随器、反相放大器等经典模拟电路。是初学者的好资料。-Classic analog circuit simulation. RLC passive resonator filter comprises a standard triangular wave generator, follower, inverting amplifier and other classic analog circuits. Is good informa
- MODE Solutions 拥有特征模式计算以及长距离光场传播的各种仿真方法,是一款设计、分析、优化波导结构的理想工具。特征模式计算引擎可以计算任意形状波导中导模的物理特性; 其2.5D varFDTD 可以快速高精度地仿真SOI楔形波导和环形谐振腔等;而特征模式展开法 eigenmode expansion (EME) solver 是仿真长传播距离波导器件,例如模斑尺寸转换器、楔形波导和布拉格光栅等器件的理想方法。-MODE Solutions has a characteristic p
- Recent advances in nanophotonic structures covering both photonic crystals (PhC) and metamaterials are reviewed. Useful properties have been obtained metal-based planar Split Ring Resonator (SRR) structures at infra-red optical frequencies and wo
- 文章基于慢光技术的耦合谐振腔结构的光纤陀螺原理、陀螺随机噪声和 误差的分析与建模、慢光光纤陀螺信号时间差检测等问题展开了深入的研究和 探索。(Based on slow light technology, the principle of fiber optic gyroscope with coupled resonator structure, gyro random noise and Error analysis and modeling, slow light fiber opt
An Analytical Approach to Computer Aided Diagnosis and Tuning of Lossy Microwave Coupled Resonator Filters
- 微波滤波器相位加载问题研究很透彻的文章,详细介绍了加载相位形成的原因和解决办法,是专业必读文章