- Trolltech公司发布的基于C++图形开发环境,简称Qt/E,支持大量的API,是Linux下的图形界面开发利器。这是一个较新的可开发嵌入式图形界面的版本。-Trolltech released on C graphical development environment, called Qt / E and large API, Linux graphical interface development weapon. This is a relatively new developmen
- 嵌入式文件系统ucfs.zip This project should serve as an \"easy start\" with /FS. All paths are relative to the project file. You should therefore be able to copy the entire directory (including all subdirectories) to any location on your harddrive.
- This model is just testing an idea of MIMO, which IEEE802.11n will have. But I havo not seen the standard, I tried to make it with 11a. Actually this model would not work in real world, because the preambles were not designed to solve the
- Embest Arm EduKit II Evaluation Board External Interrupt Test Example Please Select the trigger: 1 - Falling trigger 2 - Rising trigger 3 - Both Edge trigger 4 - Low level trigger 5 - High level trigger any key to exit...
- 基于嵌入式操作系统linux发送电子邮件的源代码,对于开发嵌入式通信软件的人很有借鉴价值-based on embedded Linux operating system to send e-mail to the source code, for the development of embedded communication software of a very valuable reference
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(E-Book) Linux C++ Programming
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- sigma smp8634/8635 toolchain rootfs building source. ================= Readme.txt ================= This is the Sigma Designs customization of the root file system for the SMP86xx family of chips. This package is of course
- 嵌入式开发中的QT/E输入法源程序,可在移植到开发板上的拼音输入法。-Embedded Development QT/E input source can be transplanted to the development board of the Pinyin input method.
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- s3c6410的 Uboot 代码, 感兴趣的可以看看呀,uboot for s3c6410
- linux下开源图片codec,可显示png,jpg,bmp等,还可交叉编译,在ARM平台运行。,This is a image viewer for framebuffer devices. It is quick & dirty hacked off a svgalib PhotoCD viewer. This background is the reason for a few limits: * It can handle the usual VGA graphics m
- 《Linux窗口程序设计-Qt4精彩实例分析》书中源代码,共享给大家那些没有纸质书的,光看电子书没有源代码一起分析,很痛苦,呵呵。-" Linux Windows Programming-Qt4 wonderful examples of" the book source code, shared to all who are not paper books, e-books do not just look at the source code to analyze, ver
- 嵌入式开发中的QT/E输入法源程序,可在移植到开发板上的拼音输入法。-Embedded Development QT/E input source can be transplanted to the development board of the Pinyin input method.
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- 实现在linux—pc 和arm-linux上的串口编程,用的是QT/E-Implementation at linux-pc and arm-linux on serial programming, using the QT/E
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- (绝对原创)Linux写的GB2312字库程序,包括API接口和一个16X16的GB2312汉字字库。接口方便、灵活,可支持不同的大小的字库、不同的字库。支持不同支持的点阵LCD,只需要修改头文件两个宏定义即可。 设计上,借鉴了linux2.6控制台的字库设计方法。API接口和控制台的字库API接口几乎一样,只有接口的名字不同。 配合本人LM6063A、LM12232C驱动程序使用,就是一套完整的显示解决方案了。 /*******************************
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