- hinet internet radio parser program. This is a good example of url parser.
- 适用于dm6446开发板中有关TVP5158解码器多通道采样视频处理程序.里面包含各种模式和制式的采样-Package Name The name of the application or files Version Version of the application or files License Name of the license or licenses that apply to the Package. Location The director
- QtWebkit包中的主要类QWebView,我们借助这个类来渲染Url指向的网页-qt explorer for Internet
Generator twin2cs.channelinfo from tvheadend
- Edit the scr ipt and change on the first lines the url to the tvheadend server, username, password and network name. Then just call the scr ipt and it will output on stdout the twin2cs.channelinfo