- This model is just testing an idea of MIMO, which IEEE802.11n will have. But I havo not seen the standard, I tried to make it with 11a. Actually this model would not work in real world, because the preambles were not designed to solve the
- Compile SQLite using the cross-compiler such as arm-linux-gcc first, get sqlite-3.3.6.tar.gz from www.sqlite.org unzip it, #tar -zxvf sqlite-3.3.6.tar.gz change into the sqlite-3.3.6 directory cd sqlite-3.3.6
- u-boot-lpc2294.patch u-boot的补丁文件,使用方法见nxp网站上的uboot get started,u-boot-lpc2294.patch u-boot patch file, use the method see nxp site uboot get started
- 最新測試成功的 tslib , 在 RMI AU1200 上跑過喔 !! 很難得吧 !!,The success of the latest test tslib, ran in the RMI AU1200 Oh!! Very difficult to get it!!
- linux下开源图片codec,可显示png,jpg,bmp等,还可交叉编译,在ARM平台运行。,This is a image viewer for framebuffer devices. It is quick & dirty hacked off a svgalib PhotoCD viewer. This background is the reason for a few limits: * It can handle the usual VGA graphics m
- 这是基于Cygwin和VMware的eCos Redboot移植的教程。我是偶然机会了解到eCos的用途,想在eCos环境下测试下一些命令函数,后来却因为是首次接触eCos,结果导致找了大量的资料,花了三天的课余时间才搞定,鉴于网上没有比较完备的相关教程,所以在此自己根据自己的移植和测试成功经验写了一份比较详细的教程(其中借用了不少网络上的资源,希望版主见谅),希望能够帮助想学习eCos相关知识的朋友.-This is based on the eCos Redboot Cygwin and V
- ti达芬奇处理器DM6446视频前端VPFE获取图像并保存,也可以同过视频后端VPBE输出显示。-ti Da Vinci processor DM6446 video the front end VPFE get the image and save it can also be the same over the video backend VPBE output display.
- M-System DOC(Disk on a Chip) Flash芯片的诊断工具, 可以从Flash芯片中获取特定的数据信息, 用于判断芯片当前的状态.-M-System DOC (Disk on a Chip) Flash chip diagnostic tool, you can get from the Flash chip specific data information for judging the current state of the chip.
- 刚做完,使用OK,基于S3c2410下Linux系统用摄像头抓取图片-s3c2410,Linux,get pic by camera
- information about how to get acquainted with the LPC2468 OEM Board, which is shipped with a ready to run image of uClinux. In this quick guide you get to take the first step and start using the board.
- 2440的学习我也是刚开始,下了点资料和大家一起共享,希望大家能从中得到所需要的知识,我也想向大家学习。-I am also a 2440 study has just begun, made a point of information and share with everyone I hope that everyone will get the required knowledge, I also would like to learn from.
- 本u-boot移植手册系统地介绍了整个 u-boot 移植的过程:从 u-boot 起源开始,到代码的获取, 到系统启动工作分析,再到 flash 驱动及其他相关驱动分析,最后到 u-boot 移植 成功,进入 u-boot 命令行界面; 本移植手册面向的对象,是对 ARM 体系结构初步了解,并有一定的汇编基 础的初学者,以及 ARM 的 fans。毫不夸张地说,本教程可以使得初学者从一无 所知,直至完全掌握 u-boot 移植技术,至此,您真正地入门了!-The u-boo
- Ateml公司的9263处理器,运行Linux时的GPIO如何使用的程序,编译完成后使用./GPIO SET即可使9263的I/O口置高,其他参数包括CLEAR、GET等,里面有完整的调用方法和注释-Ateml company' s 9263 processor, running Linux, the GPIO how to use the program, compiled after the completion of use./GPIO SET can make 9263 the I
- 目前电子书广泛使用eink,这份资料就是epson电子提供的eink的控制ic,相当珍贵,需要授权才能拿到的哦。-The current widespread use of electronic eink, this information is provided eink epson electronic control ic, very precious, you need a license to get the oh.
- 主要实验AD转换,及相关说明,可以帮助初学者忙上手。-Main experimental AD conversion, and instructions to help beginners get started busy.
- 基于ARM的GPRS车载系统源程序 /******************************************************************************* ** Function: Get GPS Communication Port from GPSPort.ini ** ** In: char buffer ** ** Out: set the char buffer ** ** Date: 2007-8-1 Autho
- linux 内核详细中文说明,很难得的资料,赶紧收藏吧-Chinese descr iption of linux kernel more difficult to get information, it quickly Collection
- Linux下,makefile的编写方法,makefile对于刚接触Linux的新手而言是不容易入门的,尽量要找些权威的测试过的攻略才能慢慢掌握mskefile的要领-Under Linux, makefile preparation methods, makefile for beginners new to Linux, is not easy to get started, try to find some authoritative tested Raiders can slowly m
- 嵌入式Linux开发技术详解,很不错的参考电子书,是Linux开发较为基础的参考书,讲解全面,相信看了之后会对linux有清楚的认识-Detailed Windows driver development techniques (pdf book+ source code) is difficult to get e-books, containing source code, and VC can be used in WINDDK
- 获取txt文件的行号,输入txt文件的文件名,即可获取该txt文件的使用行号数目信息-Txt file line access number, enter txt file name, you can get the txt file using the number line number information