- CC1000为RF芯片,作为无线通信处理芯片,本程序是基于PIC72作为处理器。频段为433.92M,具有多种通信方式,通信速度可达到65K。-CC1000 RF chip, as wireless communications processing chip, the procedure is based on the PIC72 as the processor. For 433.92M band with a variety of means of communication, commu
- 四轴飞行器飞控主板程序代码V0.65k avr程序代码,飞控板V1.2-Four-axis aircraft flight control board code V0.65k avr code, flight control board V1.2
- Specification of ELT240320ATP Display size => 2.8 inch Module Dimension (H×W×D) => 69.2×50 ×4.2 mm Active Area (W×H) => 43.2×57.6 mm Number of Dots (W×RGB×H) => 240×3×320 Dot Pixel size W/H => 0.18×0.18 mm LCD Type => TF
- 7寸TFT用单片机控制的c程序,其中包括驱动程序,波形生成程序-7-inch TFT with a single-chip control of c program, including the driver, waveform generator
- 上传的是一个简易频率计程序,用avr单片机,在没有倍频的前提下最大可以测量65k的信号,可以测量脉宽,周期,传上来交流一下。-Upload a simple frequency meter program, avr microcontroller, the multiplier under the premise can be measured 65k signal can be measured pulse width, period, Chuan-up exchange.
- ST7735的驱动资料,程序已经测试工,完全可用,欢迎下载(含程序65K模式)-ST7735 driver information, the program has been testing workers, fully available, welcome to download (including program 65K mode)
电赛 计数
- 基于MSP430的频率计开发,可精准测出65k以下的频率。若要高频则可加上分频电路(MSP430 based frequency meter development, can accurately measure the frequency below 65k. If the high frequency, you can add frequency division circuit)