- There are three ways of specifying an immediate dump Immediate dumps can be specified using the ALTER SESSION command ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS immediate trace name dump level level Immediate dumps can be specified in ORADEBUG ORADEBU
- 船模型控制程序带舵机控制,翻斗控制,用于钓鱼下料使用。-Ship model with the steering gear control procedures to control, dump control, under the expected use for fishing.
- This program is used to dump the video device capability,resolution and all its details in a text file.This is to ease developer on finding the highest/lowest setting for the device.
- objdump is a program for displaying various information about object files. Output a dump of OMF files.
- 在一拖三循环变频控制系统中实现三台泵的换机过程-implement of the process of alter dump at cycle frequency conversion systems.
- 基于51单片机的蓄电池剩余电量测试的源代码,比较适合于课程设计。-Microcontroller-based battery charge remaining 51 test source code, more suitable for the course design.
- AVR-gcc based Huffman-decompression, which uses just 572 bytes of flash. portable c compression-algorithm in "test" directory. Including some helpful utilities like uart, commando interface and dump utility. GPLv3
- dumps for various printer cartirdge
- Dump ELF32 header information
- 通过IIC总线的传输,将预先设定好的8个数值传到24C04芯片中,并转存,最后通过读取转存区的值,由流水灯显示出来。-IIC bus transfer preset good eight values reached the 24C04 chip and dump Finally, read the value of the dump area, displayed by light water.
- 城市无线通信智能清洁车一共有手持端小车端主控端可以无线监测各垃圾站的垃圾量情况和城市各点垃圾量-Urban wireless intelligent handheld side car and clean the car a total of master control terminal wirelessly monitor each dump garbage and city garbage
- Binary file, original dump VW TDI engine BXE - VW Jetta, Skoda Octavia -Binary file, original dump VW TDI engine BXE - VW Jetta, Skoda Octavia
- 心率采集传感器采集心率,然后单片机进行AD转换,最后通过上位机labview显示-the heart dump and get the AD date then send the data to the labview
OS 系统下的DUMP操作
- 运行Os系统,并且能够实现与上位机的DUMP显示功能(Run the Os system, and can achieve with the host computer DUMP display function)