- 无刷电机驱动器源代码。基于无传感器方案的无刷电机启动器。核心是换向角度检测:即电机反电势波形数据处理,经过衰减滤波,取出过零相位。应为低速反电势波形dB过小,波形扰动太大,本程序还不能稳定处理10Hz以下的换向计算。,Brushless motor driver source code. Program based on the sensorless brushless motor starter. Is the core to the point of view for detection:
- 本文对于反电动势波形接近正弦的永磁无刷直流电动机,提出一种基于六个离散位置信号的自同步SVPWM 控制方法,用于抑制电磁转矩脉动。仿真和实验结果表明,该种方法比传统的120°导通控制方式更能有效地抑制转 矩脉动。-This close to the sine wave of anti-EMF permanent magnet brushless DC motor, is proposed based on six discrete position signal from the sync
- Direct Torque Control of Brushless DC Motor with Nonideal Trapezoidal Back EMF - IEEE PAPER
- 介 绍了在估算的两相旋转坐标系下的永磁同步电机模型,推导出了反电动势方程的扩展形式。针 对凸极永磁同步电机提出了在电动机低速时,利用凸极跟踪法和在高速时利用反电动势相结合来获得转子 转速和转子位置的方法。仿真结果表明两者相结合的估算方法的有效性。-t:A modelo fp ermanentm agnets ynchronousm otor(P MSM)i nt hee stimationt wop haser otating reference frame is introduce
- 这是我收藏的无刷直流电机的控制驱动方面的资料。希望对大家有帮助-Application and improvement of the zero back EMF sensing and commutation point sensing respectively are advanced for sensorless brushless DC motors control in frequency-variable air-condition, while the control method
- 电磁流量传感器是基于法拉第电磁感应定律而制成的,只是其中切割磁力线的导体不是一般的金属,而是具有一定电导率的液态流体或液固两厢流体。被测量的导电介质在磁场中作切割磁力线运动时,导电介质中会产生感应电动势,感应电动势由一对电极检测-Electromagnetic flow sensor is based on Faraday' s law of electromagnetic induction and made of only one conductor cutting magnetic