logic analysiser
- 本设计主要由数字信号发生器和逻辑分析仪组成,其中数字信号发生器运用了89C51单片机系统,可以重复输出8路循环逻辑移位序列,逻辑分析仪用了89C55单片机系统,可以实现8路信号的采集和显示(时间域和空间域),3级触发字可调,有多种触发功能,可显示时标线,使逻辑分析仪能从大量的数据流中获得有分析意义的数据。-primarily by the design of digital signal generator and logic analyzer, composed of digital sign
- 利用CY7C68013开发的逻辑分析仪,可同时对8路信号进行分析,包括了固件,USB驱动,WIN32应用程序。,CY7C68013 developed the use of logic analyzer can be simultaneously carried out on the 8 road signal analysis, including the firmware, USB drives, WIN32 applications.
- 1、建议逻辑数字分析仪的单片机代码。 2、重要包括电源、输入处理、A/D采集、键盘、LCD显示、D/A输出。-1, the proposed digital logic analyzer microcontroller code. 2, it is important to include the power supply, input processing, A/D acquisition, the keyboard, LCD display, D/A output.
- 简易逻辑分析仪程序——利用51单片机实现-Simple logic analyzer procedure- the use of 51 MCU
- 1.逻辑电路图中至多有100行,每行至多有100个字符。 2.电路走向在交叉点转90˚ ,其余部分沿直线传播。任意 两个交叉点都不相邻(竖直方向和水平方向)。等条件的电路的c++程序 -1. Logic circuit in up to 100 lines, each line of up to 100 characters. 2. Circuit toward the cross-point switch 90
- 基于AT89S51的简易数字逻辑分析仪,可设置单击触发字,具备3级逻辑状态分析触发功能,在示波器上显示可移动的时间标志线-AT89S51 figure based on simple logic analyzer can be set to trigger click character with three logic state analysis of the trigger function, showed up at Oscillograph Mobile Time logo line
- 基于51和FPGA的逻辑分析仪设计 用C语言编写程序和用VHDL编写硬件程序设计-ayreyeyreyreaeyayayay ryjriyteieytioytoeoo
- 本教程描述了PADS Logic 的各种功能和特点、以及使用方法。这些功能包括:如何在 PADS Longic 中使用工作区(Working Area),如何在PADS Longic的元件库中定义目标库(Library) 如何添加边线(Connection)、拷贝(Copy)、删除(Delete)和编辑(Edit)等操作方式(Mode)。-PADS Logic This tutorial describes the various functions and features,
- power pcb,power logic实际使用中的体会,写成笔记,内容都很简短,包括制作元件,布线,铺铜,添加任意过孔,飞线错误原因,CAM输出等方方面面的内容,由11个文件组成 -power pcb, power logic used in the actual experience, written notes, the content is very brief, including the production of components, wiring, laying copper
- 基于FlexRay总线的可编程逻辑控制器设计-FlexRay bus-based programmable logic controller design
- Separated Simplification Method • One has to derive the symmetrical logical equation while using the Karnaugh maps of the logic function • This method, i.e. to perform twice the Boolean simplification for each N-ch and P-ch networks
- control the speed of the motor using fuzzy logic controller in combination with conventional controller under parametric variation, load disturbances and non linearity and also we can achieve wide dynamic range when compared to conventional methods.
- 组合逻辑电路设计 实验内容 1. 二输入与门电路的实现; 2. 其他简单门电路的实现; 3. 三态门电路。 -Mix the contents of a logic circuit design experiments. Two-input AND gate circuit implementation 2 other simple gates to achieve 3 tri-state gates.
- 时序逻辑电路设计 实验内容 1.触发器(D型); 2.计数器(递增、递减)。-Sequential logic circuit design, the contents of an experiment. Flip-flop (D type) 2. Counter (increasing, decreasing).
- Ladder logic program: Software : Rslogix Generate Sine Wave, use full for PWM modulation using Programmable Logic Controller
- 简体红外分析仪,C51,VB上位机软件,单片机串口通信上位机。-Infrared logic analyzer
- 逻辑门实验,用于物理课程的讲解,使用的是光敏电阻和驻极体话筒作为光传感器和声音传感器,硬件比较简单。使用的是STC12C5A60S2单片机。里面可以实现所有的基本逻辑门演示功能。-Logic gate experiment, explain the physical course, using a photosensitive resistance and electret microphone as optical sensors and sound sensors, hardware is
- 使用CYPRESS的FX3芯片实现逻辑分析仪 -use cypress FX3 to implement logic analyzer.
- 这是一个已量产的汽车空调控制器项目的按键逻辑切换源码,实现控制器功能状态的切换-This is a mass-produced automobile air conditioning switch logic controller project key source, realize state switching controller function
Design of Fuzzy Logic controller using PIC16
- embeded design pic16