uCOS-II V2.52--Keil for MCS51
- 本文面向首次接触uC/OS-II的程序员,为他们介绍一下这个系统的一些基本特征和编程上的注意事项,并介绍几个值得了解的API。本文作者已经成功的将uC/OS-II移植到几种不同CPU之上。包括EPSON S1C33和Sunplus unSP™ 等,积累了丰富的经验,现在愿意和朋友们分享这些经历。希望本文的资料对于希望使用这个系统来开发的朋友有所帮助-for this first contact uC / OS-II programmers to introduce them into
- uc/os-ii for 8051 This package provides the sources required to use the uC/OS-II v2.00 real time kernel on the 8051 processor. To use this package you will need the TASKING C Compiler toolset v6.0r1 or higher. For info on TASKING products
- 当手指或笔触摸屏幕时,平常相互绝缘的两层导电层就在触摸 点位置有了一个接触,因其中一面导电层接通X轴方向的5V均匀电压场(图a) ,使得检测层的电压由零变为非零,控制器侦测到这个接通后,进行A/D转换 ,并将得到的电压值与5V相比即可得触摸点的X轴坐标为(原点在靠近接地点 的那端):Xi=Lx*Vi / V(即分压原理)同理得出Y轴的坐标,这就是所有电 阻技术触摸屏共同的最基本原理。-finger or pen to touch the screen, usually two
- 在UCOS-II系统下一种简单易懂的TCP/IP协议,我在EASYARM2200上调试完全通过了,如果有问题也可以通过电邮联系我.-in UCOS-II system in a simple and easy to understand TCP / IP protocol. I EASYARM2200 debugging completely passed, if there are problems can also contact me through email.
- If you port µ C/OS-II to a processor not listed and want to include your port on this web site, please contact Micrium at Jean.Labrosse@Micrium.com. Note that the ports are provided as is with the exeption of the Micrium ports which are supporte
- 在ucos平台上实现飞利浦非接触ic卡rc522读写芯片的操作程序-UCOS platform in the realization of Philips rc522 non-contact ic card reader chip operation
- 本程序基于STM32F103VET6,成功的将FreeModbus 和 uC/OSII 移植上去。Modbus(Rtu RS232 从机)。有问题请与我联系!QQ:383016632。-The program is based on STM32F103VET6, the success of the FreeModbus and uC/OSII transplantation up. Modbus (Rtu RS232 from the machine). There are problems
- UCOS-III 官方源代码,学习使用。如果商用请注意版权问题。-source code of ucos-iii ,only for study,if you are planning to use it for commercial ,please contact with the author
- TC-ucos-philos-详细注释.rar 用TC编译ucos并在图像化界面下演示哲学家就餐问题,采用信号量机制,程序有BUG,不能顺利运行,但是我写了很多注释,有兴趣的朋友可以继续做下去,我的邮箱xuxi009@163.com可与我联系。注意图形界面驱动的路径要和源文件中的相同否则无法显示图形界面,相信用过TC的图形界面的明白,呵呵。-TC-ucos-philos-detailed notes. Rar uCOS compiled by TC and the image of i
- 如要更多与我联系点-If more points of contact with me
- 本文面向首次接触uC/OS-II的程序员,为他们介绍一下这个系统的一些基本特征和编程上的注意事项,并介绍几个值得了解的API。-This article first contact for uC/OS-II of the programmers, for their introduction of this system, some of the basic features and programming on the note and introduce a few worthy of un
- 基于零点电子dvk2440开发板,用于测试ltm09c012液晶屏的程序,如有bug请联系mikenoodle@163.com-Based on zero dvk2440 Electronics development board for testing LCD ltm09c012 procedures, if any bug please contact mikenoodle@163.com
- UCGUI的示例买开发板自带的示例,谁如果想要全部请联系-UCGUI buy development board comes with an example of example of all who contact if you want to
- 这是天嵌公司为了TQ2440的自主学习而提供的一个UCOS的一个内核,它已经做了裁剪,如果你觉得对你还有多余的东西可能自己裁剪,但如要做为商业目的,请跟UCOS公司买受权。-This is the day containing the company' s independent study for TQ2440 a UCOS to provide a core, it has made a cut, if you think you have extra feature might cu
- 基于430,UCOS_II,RC522做了一个非接触式卡的读写器,利用串口进行通信-Based on 430, UCOS_II, RC522 made a non-contact card reader, the use of serial communication
- 2440 44b0上当时 做的示波器使用ucos 与ucgui可以学习一下,包括AD采集现实图形-2440 44b0 oscilloscope ucos ucgui can learn about, if there are problems you can contact me
- 用ucos-II实现的基础点灯实验,希望能帮助初次接触ucos-ii的朋友们。-Ucos-II to achieve basic lighting experiment, hoping to help the initial contact with friends ucos-ii.
- CheapOS--嵌入式实时多任务操作系统源码免费下载 CheapOS使用与UCOS完全一样的HAL,与UCOS 完全HAL硬件兼容。 并且是完全免费的源代码,可用于商业产品上。 CheapOS最终的版本支持中断,信号,互斥锁,邮箱,延时函数等功能! 支持低功耗运行的实时操作系统,支持中断嵌套处理。 不同的任务可使用相同的优先级,并且最大可支持65535个应用任务。 方便的CPU USAGE占用率变量,操作系统运行状态一览无余。 如果你需要技术支持,请联系
- LPC1227 CORTEX-M0 demo板的源程序,NXP原厂出品,适合初期接触该mcu的开发者-LPC1227 CORTEX-M0 demo board source, NXP factory produced for the initial contact with the developer of the mcu
- 基于LPC12x CORTEX-M0处理器实现的CMSIS ,适合初期接触该mcu的开发者-Based LPC12x CORTEX-M0 processor implements the CMSIS, suitable initial contact the developer of the mcu