- UCOS2.83移植的s3c44b0x的最终版,如果那为烧友有好的建议请EMAIL我,不胜感激!-UCOS2.83 transplant s3c44b0x the final version, If it is good for Shaoyou recommend EMAIL I should be grateful!
- ucosii 移植到ARM 9 2440环境 基本已经完成 没有最终试验 恐有差错 -ucosii ported to ARM 9 2440 environment has basically been completed there is no final test may have errors
- ucos操作系统的移植,一共三个文件,我也忘记哪个是最后的版本了,但是一定有一个是成功了的,需要的下了以后自己分辨一下吧,都是源码-ucos operating system transplant, a total of three files, I forget which is the final version, but there must be a be a success, and we need to distinguish yourself down about it later
- CheapOS--嵌入式实时多任务操作系统源码免费下载 CheapOS使用与UCOS完全一样的HAL,与UCOS 完全HAL硬件兼容。 并且是完全免费的源代码,可用于商业产品上。 CheapOS最终的版本支持中断,信号,互斥锁,邮箱,延时函数等功能! 支持低功耗运行的实时操作系统,支持中断嵌套处理。 不同的任务可使用相同的优先级,并且最大可支持65535个应用任务。 方便的CPU USAGE占用率变量,操作系统运行状态一览无余。 如果你需要技术支持,请联系
- 嵌入式stm32通过串口1与NFC模块通信,NFC模块读取mifare卡信息,将此信息最终通过串口2打印到PC端屏幕,同时ucos提供多任务功能,LED1和LED2以多任务方式闪烁-Embedded stm32 1 and the NFC module through the serial port communication, NFC module reads mifare card information, this information is the final print to 2 P
- Contains the eigenvalue and eigenvector extraction, the training sample, and the final recognition, Sampling from a priori probability, calculate the weight, It contains positional PID algorithm, integral separate PID.
- Channelized receiver based on multi-phase structure, When processing a signal frequency analysis, Contains the eigenvalue and eigenvector extraction, the training sample, and the final recognition.
- Linear array using cut than learning laid upon the right control of the main sidelobe ratio, Complete class-based image processing, contains all of the source code, auto image, Contains the eigenvalue and eigenvector extraction, the training sample,