- WINCE 6.0 3 stack board: This document explains the settings to be done for creating a HIVE based image. This image will have a persistant storage folder called "NAND FLash". Any file can be stored into this folder even at run time & this will be r
- 用VMWare打开压缩包里的虚拟机配置文件,运行后可以自动引导到Windows CE桌面。Windows CE runtime kernel支持: 64MB内存 音频 2GB IDE硬盘 USB 1.1 HOST (UHCI) 网卡 RS232串口(输出到文件) HIVE-BASED注册表 没有VMWare的可以到VMWare的主页下载VMware Player,免费的。 BSP是在EMULATOR的BSP基础上修改而成,主要是增加了对USB
- 如何调用WINCE的软键盘? 调用API SipShowIM(SIPF_ON),前提是内核加入了软键盘组件。 基于HIVE的注册表,如何在系统关闭前保存注册表的数据到文件system.hv? 调用API RegFlushKey函数。 -WINCE how to call the soft keyboard? Call the API SipShowIM (SIPF_ON), provided that the core components by adding