- altera推出的基于它们fpga和cpld的构建嵌入式系统的新技术sopc的介绍。其集成在quartus II中-ALTERA due to launch them and they simply cpld Construction of the new Embedded System Technology sopc briefing. Its integrated into the Quartus II
- PLL是数字锁相环设计源程序, 其中, Fi是输入频率(接收数据), 数字锁相技术在通信领域应用非常广泛,本例用VHDL描述了一个锁相环作为参考,源码已经调试过。编译器synplicty.Fo(Q5)是本地输出频率. 目的是从输入数据中提取时钟信号(Q5), 其频率与数据速率一致, 时钟上升沿锁定在数据的上升和下降沿上;顶层文件是PLL.GDF-digital phase-locked loop PLL design source, in which Fi is the input freque
- 通过对用硬件描述语言VHDL表示的某个专用部件(如中断控制器、差错控制码编码/译码器,此为译码器)的代码分析,构建它的逻辑结构,加深对相关部件设计技术的理解。 试验平台:MaxPlusII -through the use of VHDL hardware descr iption language said a special components (such as interrupt controllers, error control coding / decoding devic
- 摘要: 文中介绍了数字频率计的结构、工作原理及计数方式,给出了基于VHDL语言的频率计系统的行为源描述,讨论了在VHDL的高级综合系统QuartusII的支持下,自顶向下地进行传输模块的设计工程,并给出了系统的仿真波形以及其应用实践。-Abstract : This paper introduces a digital frequency of the structure and working principle and counting, is based on VHDL Frequency
- 强调Verilog代码编写规范,经常是一个不太受欢迎的话题,但却是非常有必要的。 每个代码编写者都有自己的编写习惯,而且都喜欢按照自己的习惯去编写-stressed Verilog code-writing norms, is often not a popular topic, but it is very necessary. Each has its own code writers in the preparation habits, but like their own habit
- /* This program generates the DApkg.vhd file that is used to define * the DA filter core and gives its parameters and the contents of the * Distributed Arithmetic Look-up-table \"DALUT\" according to the DA algorithm-/ * This program generate
- 输入信号:左转弯传感器LH,右转弯传感器RH和紧急制动或慢行传感器JMH,另外,汽车尾灯主要是给后面行使汽车的司机注意。为了使尾灯的光信号更明显,采用亮灭交替的闪烁信号,其闪烁周期为2秒,即尾灯亮1秒,灭1秒,再亮1秒…。在图9-21中设置了一个1秒时钟的输入信号CP。 输出信号:输出共设两个,左面一个尾灯,右面一个尾灯,既左转弯时指示灯LD和右转弯时指示灯RD。-input signal : LH sensor made a left turn, Peccant RH sens
- CCD信号由于其特殊性,一般不能有信号源产生,本程序采用VHDL语言,以ISE为开发平台,产生了模拟CCD信号的数字信号,只需经DA转换便能实现-CCD signal because of its uniqueness, not generally produce a signal source, the procedures used VHDL, ISE as a development platform, have CCD signal simulation of digital signa
- 乘法器是硬件设计中的很常见也很重要的一个模块,它的VHDL硬件实现很好的解决了软件编程中做乘法速度慢的问题,在实时高速系统应用中或DSP软核或数字信号处理硬件实现算法中,经常能使用到乘法器,所以经典的高速乘法器IP 很有参考价值-Multiplier is a common and important module in hardware designing.Its VHDL addresses the low speed of multiplication in software progra
- PLL是数字锁相环设计源程序, 其中, Fi是输入频率(接收数据), Fo(Q5)是本地输出频率. 目的是从输入数据中提取时钟信号(Q5), 其频率与数据速率一致, 时钟上升沿锁定在数据的上升和下降沿上;顶层文件是PLL.GDF-digital phase-locked loop PLL design source, in which Fi is the input frequency (receive data), Fo (Q5) is the local output frequency.
- VCS-verilog compiled simulator是synopsys公司的产品.其仿真速度相当快,而且支持多种调用方式.该文档是一个不错的使用指南.,VCS-verilog compiled simulator is the Synopsys company s products. Its simulation at a fairly rapid pace, and support multiple call mode. This document is a good guide.
- wishbone总线的VHDL源代码 wishbone适用于与FPGA中IP核的高速通信,其接口简单,速度快 成为ip通信的主流,Wishbone Bus VHDL source code Wishbone applicable to IP core in FPGA high-speed communications, and its easy interface, fast becoming the mainstream of ip communications
- 使用Libero提供的异步通信IP核实现UART通信,并附带仿真程序。UART设置为1位开始位,8位数据位,1位停止位,无校验。且UART发送自带2级FIFO缓冲,占用FPGA面积很小。,Libero provided the use of asynchronous communication IP core implementation UART communications, and incidental simulation program. UART is set to 1 to sta
- 设计一个双四选一的数据选择器电路 设计要求: (1)双四选一的数据选择器的电路框图如图3.2.3所示,试写出设计块对其逻辑功能进行描述。 -Choose a design of a dual quad data selector circuit design requirements: (1) a double four selected data selector circuit diagram shown in Figure 3.2.3, try to write the
- 设计一个四路数据选择器,其功能是将四组不同的数据按要求选择一个输出.输出的那组数据有两个控制信号决定,其真值表如下: 数据选择控制端 输出的数据 Input0 Input1 output 0 0 output0 0 1 output1 1 0 output 2 1 1 output 3, Designs four ways according to the selector, its function is chooses four groups of different data accor
- 设计并调试好一个能产生”梁祝”曲子的音乐发生器,并用EDA实验开发系统(拟采用的实验芯片的型号可选Altera的MAX7000系列的 EPM7128 CPLD ,FLEX10K系列的EPF10K10LC84-3 FPGA, ACEX1K系列的 EP1K30 FPGA,Xinlinx 的XC9500系列的XC95108 CPLD,Lattice的ispLSI1000系列的1032E CPLD)进行硬件验证。 设计思路 根据系统提供的时钟源引入一个12MHZ时钟的基准频率,对其进行各种分频
- 1. Access the relevant reference books or technical data books and give accurate definitions for the following timing parameters: (1) propagation time tPD, (2) transition time tTD, (3) setup time tSU, (4) hold time tHD, and (5) clock-to
- 并串转换模块,内含有另个.vhd文件。一个是自己写的比较简单 另一个是参考的。-And the string conversion module, which contains another one. Vhd file. One is its relatively simple to write the other is the reference.
- 基于FPGA的乐曲硬件演奏模块设计,利用硬件描述语言设计符合技术指标的乐曲硬件发生模块,建立实验模型,通过电路仿真和下载硬件测试,在DE2 EDA实验平台上验证其功能-FPGA-based music performance modular design of hardware, using hardware descr iption language designed to meet specifications of the piece of hardware modules occurs,
- 基于VHDL语言的直流电机控制器及其控制,本控制系统的总体结构,下位机是整个高频疲劳试验机控制器的核心。用于实现产生控制试验机的控制信号和数据,反馈信号的处理,以及和上位机进行数据通信。其控制功能强弱也直接影响着整个控制器性能的好坏-DC Motor Based on VHDL controller and its control, the overall structure of the control system, the next bit machine is the high-freq