- it is a verilog code written for FIFO in modelsim simulator and it will synthesize in xinlix ise 8.2i.i have tested it om my kit.[i mae my own kit for spartan2 device].you can use this code in any DSP project in which data entry is required.-it is a
- it is a verilog code written for traffic light controller will synthesize in xinlix ise 8.2i.i have tested it om my kit.[i mae my own kit for spartan2 device].it is a state machine based code.-it is a verilog code written for traffic light controlle
- it is a verilog code written for MELAY state machine based UART and it wll synthesize in xinlix ise 8.2i.i have tested it om my kit.[i mae my own kit for spartan2 device]-it is a verilog code written for MELAY state machine based UART and it wll